Don’t give up! You may have almost been scammed but you can’t let two years if hard work go down the drain, you’re to close! Try to find someone new to take his place who you can trust. What was his position?
For single player ideas, you’ve come to the right place!
I assume that you mean the time trials mode so I’ll start with a basic element that recently got removed as far as I know unless you readded it. The leader board. It would give players a challenge to beat and more reason to actually play!
Also, maybe you could add different cart parts that players can unlock when they get three stars on a level like bubble tires when they beat Under The Sea or maybe a lawn mower cart when that beat Small World (I hope I got that name right).
So, I really hope I helped and if I didn’t then I would love to support your new project!
Are you sure World Record mode is everything that is needed for Single Player wise? There was a very unfinished leaderboard system back in the beta stages.
No way, there could be way more that I haven’t thought of. I remember you saying something about a ghost, that would also be amazing if it were finished but if you didn’t do it then you had a good reason. Maybe a later update could be a ranked mode? Ranked modes seem really popular right now so it might work a little.
Ah yes, good old replay value. Umm… A campaign mode? I think it sounds like a dumb idea for Bloxy Cart but it’s an idea.
I’m thinking of all of this off the top of my head so I might blurt out some bad ideas. If I think of more I’ll dm you.
According to good old reliable Ecosia, Campaign mode is the deleted Adventure Mode. It was deleted due to the limitations of v3.0, but with v4.0, it could come back. Is that was Campaign mode is?
Was adventure mode that free roam one? If so then I’m not sure. I’m thinking campaign like in ridge racer type 4 where you have the coach and have to win the races in order to be the champion.
Ok, well if you really want to finish Bloxy Kart, you could rewrite it to work with v4.0 along with any other ideas you like. If not, what’s your other project?
Ya, I think both are good ideas. You should do what you think is best and I’ll support you either way. If you can find a new developer, stick with Bloxy Cart. If not, it might be best to save it for later.