The Dead Development #1

So I have started developing a game!
and it’s base of, of The Walking Dead
so how is it turning?
Here is a video!

Feedback is appreciated :smile:


Amazing I would play this game! Love the scripting :slight_smile: try to get better UI’s for the play button


Thanks for the feedback and ill improve the play button! :wink:

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Yes. :grin: :joy:
I am but don’t disturb me, lol

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The UI is not appealing at all, please try to improve it.


Yea, i will its just basic form the start
but ill improve! :smile:

UI is a little bland.

You basically have nothing, why not wait to show more of the project?


what do you mean

like how should I???

You have almost zero content to showcase, why didn’t you develop more of the game before deciding to share it here?


uhh i was just starting…

Okay, it looks okay for now, I’m not calling it bad.

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yea thanks and i will do better in the future

The UI needs a large amount of improvement, it just looks like something that someone’s created in 5 seconds (that is kinda expected if you’ve just started). But anyways, good luck in the future, it sounds like it’s going to be a good game.

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Thanks, for the feedback and ill work on the UI, and the next update on the game is tomorrow

Im not gonna say that the UI is bland because alot of people said it so i’m just gonna put a feedback.

You should make a CameraPart for the menu. It will look cool instead of a UI background.

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Oh ok, sure I will do that Thanks for the feedback!

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Maybe add more aesthetic to the UI and maybe add some tweens! Overall it looks quite well.

Oh cool sure, I will thanks for the feedback

Yea, the button on the front in particular looks very “friendly”. I would pay somebody (or do it yourself) to make a more apocalyptic theme for that. As someone said before, 3D scenes would be way more modern and impactful/immersive if you where to do that. The way you have the text image right now would make your image stretch. Plus, it wont be as expensive as getting someone to make you a graphic for each chapter.

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Oh ok I will pay someone to do the UI