The deadly Kernel error!

Hey guys, I’ve been experiencing this kernel bug lately with ROBLOX by randomness when minimizing then maximizing my ROBLOX client and I am wondering if it’s been happening to any other developers lately.

I believe I had 5 or 6 studio instances open when it occurred (mostly 10-30 bricks & one with a terrain baseplate) and here are the more important/relevant computer specs.

Basically this bug reboots your driver and also messes around with all your ROBLOX Studio instances.

RIP Driver/Client:

RIP Studio:

EDIT: Updated Driver and testing if it’ll happen again or not.

Can has your PC?

Happened again.

I get driver crashes at that Havana Cuba game, and that is it.

Happens seldomly with mine as well.

Never happened to me.

[quote] Never happened to me.


Why? Why did you steal my computer? <3

Did you overclock your machine?

Nope, never.