The Earth in Roblox

This gonna be a big one…

Building the Earth in ROBLOX? Yes, I suppose.
What my idea is you ask? Well, somehow wrapping an extremely large texture on a sphere!

Serious time. My idea is to divide a sphere into 64 main faces, with each one having a different texture. Rise of Nations did something similar with their globe of the earth, but I want to take this to the extreme. The thing is, I have no idea how to do it. If anybody could help me in this, I would be very grateful!
Preview of this massive map: (21600x10800)


wow earth this will be something big

how will you make thing?
because max part size is {2048, 2048, 2048}
or will you make a pieces to create a Sphere?
will you use a terrain?


I hope you mean like a map as in an object that previews an area of land, rather than a map as in an actual area of land developed inside of Roblox, because if you don’t, I regret having to say that what you are currently trying to do is impossible.

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Could you elaborate and maybe show us an example of what you’re looking to achieve?

It’s going to just be a globe. If you play a game of rise of nations, they have a planet in which the planet is made of multiple parts so they can have a higher resolution map in general.

No terrain, just a globe.

Imagine making a sphere have 64 surface faces. Each face will have a texture, so when every part has a texture it will make a full map. It’s kinda hard to explain.

Rise of nations is a very unrealistic pixelated game.
I hope you’re talking about a game like HOI4 in the form of Google Earth? That’s great! Please tell me will there will real players walking on it or something else?

It’s just going to be a globe for show, and I will make something out of it in the future. I am not talking about the gameplay, I’m just talking about the globe it uses.

Would it be best to make a Mesh sphere and wrap the texture onto that?

I’m not going to do it in 1 texture, I am going to do it with 64

Having a bit of a hard time understanding what you’re saying, but modeling the Earth in Blender is one of the easiest things you could probably do.

You just need to insert a sphere, then go to the Material tab and select Base Color > Image Texture.

Then select the texture you wish to use, and boom! The UVs are about as good as you can possibly get them, due to the sphere having simple geometry.

What would these 64 textures be, though? The only thing that you need to make the Earth is the texture itself, so I don’t know what these other textures would be for.


Roblox limits the resolution to 1920x1080, so if you want something higher then you need multiple images. That’s what my problem is. Imagine a 2d map in ROBLOX with 8 rows and 8 columns. Each tile contains 1/64’th of the map. Now try to wrap those onto a sphere, and that’s my problem. I know it’s possible because RoN did it before.


For example:

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One idea would be to just do a huge cube but potentially scale the character down to make it appear the cube is much bigger


You can make a open world game with the globe, so basically the POV is from space but you can control your player on earth to gather resources, gather armies and find vehicles, then you can fight people. No need for FPS or PVP skills, just pure tactics.

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Alright this issue has kinda shifted a little. For example, here is the current planet I have in Blender all ready for use

When I try to texture it, I have a new problem. For example, I will be applying one of the pieces with this texture:
When I take that image and apply it to one of the pieces on my sphere (in ROBLOX), here is what I get:

It’s just ice. I think the problem is that Blender puts a second side on the sphere, but that “side” doesn’t exist. I only want the texture to apply to just what is visible. Is there a way to remove that mystery face?

I probably didn’t explain it very well, sorry, I don’t really understand the problem.

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Looking at it now, I see the UV map for the object is extremely small:

This is why the texture only shows ice.
Any way to fix this?

Im trying to do something similiar, but just no texture, im actually making a 3d atmosphere for my game. If you wanna talk heres my tag for discord: Wrld #3128

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We talk later. I figured out how to solve my problem, so I definitely can assist you.

You can manually resize / replace / rotate UV maps. Just scale it bigger?