Welcome! Here you can find the full changelog to our game, The Ember Games, inspired from The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins!
@Untethered: Programming & UI Design
@ADuckWithAVoice: Building
@BranBisciola: Building
Latest version: R_13.09.24 - v1…1
Changelog for R_13.09.24 - v1.0
TWO new maps have been added to the game! Molten Wasteland and Lost Pyramids by @BranBisciola have been added. to the game. Hope you enjoy!
- Players can now sprint with stamina! On PC, press & hold Left Shift to sprint. On mobile, tap the Sprint button! This change means that Shift Lock is now binded to Left Control on PC. However, you can customize your keybinds in Settings! Be aware that the same keybind cannot be binded to both actions; they each need a unique keybind.
- CONSOLE SUPPORT! Players on Xbox & PlayStation can now play the game, and players on PC with a controller plugged in can use it as well!
- A PvP Arena has been added to the lobby! If you’re spectating, entering this arena will let you battle other players inside with training weapons!
- New event! Feast has been added to the game. Five bags spawn within the Feast table, which contain certain types of items. Hope you get what you need!
- New event! Thunder Storm has been added to the game. Visibility is limited and lightning strikes will spawn, but not without warning! Don’t get striked by one!
- Added support for Instance Streaming, meaning people with low-end devices should see a bit of a performance improvement. We’ll edit the streaming properties (minimum and maximum distance) based on player feedback!
- The Donation leaderboard is now available! We believe anyone who donates should get something in return, so starting from now on, all your Points & single Chat Color purchases count towards your donation! Thank you for your support
. The #1 donor gets a dancing avatar besides the donor board!
- Added four new badges! Feast and obby badges have been added. If you have previously completed an obby, you should be automatically awarded the badge!
- Mobile controls have been improved to support all screen sizes.
- If a disaster which cannot be spawned for a specific reason is selected, it will no longer default to spawning Meteor Shower; it now spawns a random disaster.
- The Gifting balloon has a new look - it now looks like the one in the lobby showcase!
- Map Shrink shape is now a circle, rather than a square. It’s also a bit more visible.
- Melee weapons can now damage more than one player per swing.
- Players hit by melee weapons now spawn a particle indicating damage.
- Data Transfers in-game have ended.
- Fixed an issue where melee weapons would randomly break.
- Fixed an issue where people could go flying when hitting the Gift balloon.
- Fixed an issue which allowed players to claim the obby prizes while the Harvesting is happening by resetting at the end of each obby.
- Fixed an issue which caused Quicksand in Mirage Mesa to not damage players after somebody has been killed by one already.
- Fixed an issue which allowed players to gain speed by breaking down a torch with a Landmine.
- Fixed an issue where the Settings menu would not retreive your saved data.
- Fixed an issue where the Badges menu would not retrieve your earned badges.
Quick note: spectating stamina is not available for the time being.
- Fixed an issue where Spectating a tribute would not load the map, or the spectate menu would get stuck.
- Fixed an issue where if a player completed the easy obby, they would be teleported to an empty space.
- Mobile buttons are now smaller.
- Made the Wellbeings UI narrower on all platforms.
- Fixed an issue where if a player on mobile moved their camera & their finger was on top of a mobile button, said button would be triggered.
- Fixed an issue where kills made with Melee weapons would not register.
- To mitigate the issue of players not getting teleported into the arena, we’ve made it so the game now keeps attempting to teleport a player until they’re within 20 studs away from the spawn.
Previous versions:
New map! Rocky Mountain by @ADuckWithAVoice has been added to the game. That’s quite a large map we hope you’ll want to explore
- Private servers have been added to the game! In this environment, data does NOT save. Server owners have control on when to start the games, how many victors there can be, toggle freecam and select whichever map they’d like! A private server can be had for 49 Robux.
- An AFK setting has been added to the game. If you’d like to be AFK for the next round, you must enable this setting before the Interval countdown begins, else you’ll be added into the games.
- Updated the sound for The Lost!
- Added arrows to the Spectate UI to make it easier to switch between different players.
- Map Shrink color is now more akin to a hazardous poison rather than a red mass.
- Warmer maps now make competitors wear division Shirts instead of Jackets!
- Fixed an issue where the last use of a Medkit couldn’t be used.
- Ranged weapons now only damage when a round is happening & if the player hit is alive (haven’t done this for melee weapons)
- Trees in obbies are no longer collidable.
- Removed an unintended hole in Waterfall Meadow.
- Fixed an issue which allowed players who had Walk on Pedestal enabled to walk off. Since this feature hasn’t been fixed yet, this was not the intended behavior.
- Fixed an issue which preventered sponsors to go through.
- Fixed an issue which gave clothing to players who had the Uniform Toggle disabled.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed players to skip obbies on the walls.
- TWO new maps have been added to the game! Savanna and Hedge Maze by @BranBisciola are now available. Let us know what you think!
- Added a message in the Game Pass chat color UI telling players to enable Chat Tags in order to have their color set.
- Fixed an issue where when dropping some tools, they would drop right next to your feet.
- Fixed an issue where Landmine colors were not set correctly.
- Fixed an issue where if a players data was manually transferred, their Badge UI wouldn’t work.
- Updated a deprecated RaycastFilterType on ranged weapons & the Zones in Hawaiian Hell.
- Added an independent setting for Chat Color - this should reduce confusion as to why your chat color was not working. This also means that players who own a chat tag can now independently enable the Chat Tag & Chat Color!
- Fixed an issue where the Lost UI Close button was not aligned properly.
- Fixed an issue where explosions from Landmines would cause Welds to break, allowing players to gain speed (thanks @piyeblox & @godzilla1987 !). As a result to this, Landmines no longer break limbs from players. Landmine Malfunction now damages players a certain amount depending on how close they were to the explosion (there’s a radius which guarantees to kill a player). Regular Landmines still kill whoever stepped on them, but damages nearby players as well.
- Fixed an issue where the badge counter wouldn’t work as expected
- Fixed an issue where the Kill counter would overlap the Health UI.
- The water body in Hedge Maze & Rainbow Grove should now correctly restore Thirst
- Fixed an issue where projectiles would get stuck on certain water bodies
- Ranged weapons system has been grouped into one single instance & made it a bit more efficient, while also fixing an issue that could possibly break your ranged weapons. Please note that projectiles are still rendered on the server - this will change in a future update!
- Updated the map generation module so it waits a little longer before teleporting players - this should hopefully fix the issue where players are sometimes not teleported into the arena, but we’re not 100% certain. Please keep us updated with this bug!
- Enabled Roblox’s new Player and Character destroy behavior which should resolve some memory leak problems.
- Fixed an issue with the Badge awarder function which would lead to an excess of warnings in the dev console.
- Fixed an issue where Map Shrink wouldn’t work on Hedge Maze’s underground (the border now spawns lower).
- Fixed a hole in Dark Swamp where players would fall under the map & die.
- Increased health of training NPCs in the lobby.
- Made some internal changes with the way the game detects a player is alive.
This update (v1.3) focuses on fixing a few issues that have been identified thanks to your reports. Our next update will bring new events, a new system for melee weapons, arrows for spectating, a cooldown UI which shows how long until you can use a weapon again & many more!
v1.4 - v1.4.1:
- Landmines transparency has been reduced a bit - they should now be more visible.
- Changed the way the game teleports players once again - hopefully this should fix this bug. Please report if it happens again!
- Data transfer requests are now fully automated. Players whose data from the old game has not been transferred will now automatically get their old data added on top of the new one once they request for their old data in Settings. This service will be up and running until June 30th, 2024. After this date, the automatic data transfers will be stopped and any future requests will have to be sent through a ticket in our server.
- Welcome to The Ember Games! Thank you all for your patience. We’ve been working hard on bringing the game back up, with quite a few new updates on the backend that should make a few elements a bit more reliable!
- New lobby! @cirieiconfields has killed it with this new lobby. There’s also THREE obbies, each one having different difficulties and different rewards! Above the Gifting board, you can now see a panel with harvested competitors & their stats.
FOUR new maps have been released! Mirage Mesa by @ADuckWithAVoice , Forest, Snowfall Summit and Rainbow Grove by @cirieiconfields have been added to the game! These maps introduce terrain as the base of the map, hope you guys enjoy
- Certain maps now have a new event, Beehives!
- New bloodbath audio & supplarium by @InoArtelix !
- RAGDOLLS! When a competitor dies, their body will now stay in the arena.
- Most weapons have a new look! The base stats however have stayed the same
- New weapon! Khopesh has been added to the game, which deals 21 damage with a 0.9 second cooldown.
- Combat Spear has a new look and has been renamed to Naginata.
- All consumables have a new look! The base stats have stayed the same
New consumables! Including Carrots, Cherries, Oranges, Sandwiches, Soup, Tomatoes, Granola, Biscuits Bag and Beef Snacks! The stats are for you to find out
- Badges! 47 badges have been added to the game. We hope you like collecting them! If you have ideas for some fun badges, be sure to send us suggestions!
- Backpacks have been reworked! The backpack you first collected will now stay on the back of your character. Added a few more items to every backpack as well!
- Lighting is now all client-sided! This means that you’ll only see the maps lighting when you’re in the arena, OR when spectating someone. The lobby lighting will no longer be weird!
- The algorithm which spawns tools in a circle has been altered. It should now be more randomized than before, have less blank spaces & a larger range of possible radiuses.
- Migrated chat to the new TextChatService! DEV_Sal was a huge contributor for this migration.
- New uniforms by @cirieiconfields !
- New merchandise shop! We have added many new clothing items made by @cirieiconfields with a new UI to go along with it!
- The entire backend of gamepass ownership has been changed. This should make gamepass ownership detection reliable!
NOTE: the Walk on Podium setting is temporarily disabled. It will come back once we create a new method for exploding players when they walk off of the podium.
Changelog for R_20.10.23 - v1.1.1:
- Fixed an issue where the Chat Color gamepass didn’t set nor save your chat color
- Fixed an issue where the Gifting Board would break, not allowing you to send gifts to competitors
- Fixed an issue with Machete where it would not work at all
- Fixed an issue with T-Shirt owners of TP VIP & VIP where they wouldn’t get their benefits.
- Fixed Khopesh hitbox.
- Fixed an issue where the gifting board DisplayName would always show up as “Juan”
Changelog for R_20.10.23 - v1.1.2:
- Fixed an issue where gamepass ownership wasn’t being correctly detected.
- Fixed an issue where, if the player didn’t own any chat tags, the custom chat color wouldn’t go through.
- The entire base code of the game has been recoded! This should help us bring so many new features in a much smoother & easier way. Additionally, a few bugs have been fixed as a result of the game being remade entirely. Stay tuned for more information of our plans in the future!
- The gamemaker has been entirely phased out. Welcome, map voting! Every game, players will have an option to vote on a list of 3 randomly chosen maps. The one with the most votes will be chosen! A map can’t be picked twice in a row (with the exception of newly released maps on the first 3 days).
- As a result of the gamemaker being phased out, Events are now randomly chosen at certain time intervals. An event can’t be chosen twice in a row! (With the exception of Meteor Shower)
- Added a victory sound when the Champion is shown!
- Added a bunny-hopping prevention method where if a certain number of consecutive jumps are made, players will no longer be able to jump again for 4 seconds. This may change based on user feedback.
- The Compass now uses Highlights to show where alive players are! This does nerf the Compass a little bit, as further away players highlight is much smaller.
- New map! Ancient Ruins has been revamped entirely, courtesy of @ADuckWithAVoice and @BranBisciola.
- New map! Crater by @BranBisciola has also been revamped entirely. It keeps the language of the original map, however!
- Ambience & lighting in older maps has been altered! As a result, these maps look quite a bit better. Dynamic Clouds is also an option for maps! These changes were made by @BranBisciola.
- Each map now has it’s own night time ambient! Every map is a bit more unique now
- New pedestals! Every map (except two) have new, more detailed pedestals created by @BranBisciola.
- New cannon sound!
- Winning points have been increased to 70 (previously 60).
- Mutts damage has been increased to 18 (previously 9).
- Javelin’s reload time has been increased by 0.25 seconds.
- Javelin’s damage has been reduced to 37 (previously 40).
- Battle Axe’s reload time has been increased by 0.5 seconds.
- Landmines are a bit more common on Backpacks.
- Added a button to hide the side menu UI.
- Removed unintentional holes that made players fall through in Grasslands, Dark Swamp & Rocky Forest.
- Chat Color choices for players who own the Custom Chat Color Gamepass now save!
- The Champion GUI in the lobby now shows the player’s DisplayName.
- Sword & Spiked Club no longer stay behind the player’s body.
- Fixed an issue where, in Grasslands, projectiles wouldn’t go through grass.
- Fixed an issue where projectiles got stuck mid-air if shot near the supplarium on a specific part in all maps.
- New map! Cargo Cliff by @BranBisciola has been added to the game. This is an another unique map featuring a new supplarium, new trap pod, and a map that is small in scale, which was heavily requested by many players! This map provides height variation and beautiful scenery! Heads up!
- Melee weapons now correctly deal damage to Mutts & Scorpions.
- Patched an exploit with the Medkit which allowed players to bypass it’s cooldown (shoutout to @fido200 for bringing it to our attention!)
- New maps now always show up for gamemakers for 72 hours starting from when the update is released!
- Fixed an issue where, if nobody won, the alive Players Kill counter won’t reset back to 0.
- Updated Sponsor GUI tool icons while also fixing the Hatchet sponsor; it should now correctly send the Throwing Axe.
- Meteor Shower appearance & particles have been altered! They now look much better, courtesy of @ADuckWithAVoice.
- Lowered Waterfall Meadow’s waterfall sound volume.
- Removed Christmas decorations.
- Stating now, whenever a new map is released, it’ll always be an option for the gamemaker to choose from for 24 hours (Grasslands is now always available as the first pick for gamemakers!)
- Two new badges have been added to the game! Many more will be coming at a later date.
- Axe should now spawn - sorry about that!
- The totems in Grasslands to activate the event are now more noticeable.
- Fixed a visual issue with the Map selection UI where, in some maps, it showed as "By: " with no person credited, or the map credit didn’t update accordingly.
- Fixed an issue where some training weapons can collide with other objects.
- Updated the NPC’s in the Uniform area.
- New map! Grasslands by @ADuckWithAVoice and @BranBisciola has been added to the game. This is the largest map in the game so far! There’s an unique event that happens here, which spawns something special!
- You can now pick a chat color to your liking! The dev product options last 48 hours. There’s also another option: a Custom Chat Color gamepass! This will give you a color picker to choose any chat color, at any time!
- The gamemaker now has 3 randomized options for picking a map. This should prevent the GM from spamming the same map over and over.
- These weapons now have a new, revamped look: Battle Axe, Machete, Sickle, Hatchet (which is now called Throwing Axe).
- Three new weapons have been added to the game: Axe, Bar Club & Trident!
- Animations for some weapons have been revamped! This should make combat feel a bit more alive. These animations were made by @BranBisciola!
- New uniforms! These new uniforms were made by @BranBisciola!
- It’s christmas season, which means new themed lobby decorations!
- Fixed some issues with Map Shrink, including the red fog staying when, as a player, you die outside of the zone.
- Adjusted sound for a few maps, making them overall a bit less loud.
- Made some adjustments to Hawaiian Hell to make it less laggy.
- Changed the color & appearance of the Blood effect a little, making it a bit more realistic.
- New Division uniforms made by @thespivn! If you have the Division uniforms toggle enabled, you’ll get these in-game!
- Introduced some measures to prevent a certain exploit.
- In Hawaiian Hell, landmines have been removed from most islands. They now only spawn on Death Island & the supplarium .
- Mobile shift lock has been fixed.
- Re-enabled Players Left counter due to popular demand
- Fixed Acid Rain doing damage even if you were taking cover.
- Fixed Night Time being too bright in maps that were not Hawaiian Hell.
- New Map! Hawaiian Hell by @ADuckWithAVoice has been added to the game. This map also includes a new disaster: Acid Rain! It can only be triggered on this map.
- Map Shrink has been revamped once again! It does no longer automatically kill you; instead, it damages you if you’re outside the map shrink zone!
- Made some internal changes to the way weapons spawn in the arena.
- If a non-player gets away from the lobby, they now instantly get teleported back inside.
- If a player doesn’t get teleported, they will explode inside the lobby.
- You can walk on your pedestal once again! This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it in Settings.
- Tampered Water can now spawn in the arena.
- Players Left UI is no longer visible to Competitors.
Weapon changes: - Bow & Arrow range has been increased from 150 to 200.
- Knife now does 11 damage (up from 9)
- Kunai now does 13 damage (up from 10)