The Empire of Tamriel

So I was originally just going to make this about one of The Empire of Tamriel’s forts, Fort Dragonspire, but the group has several well-built Skyrim Imperial-themed places. I joined this group a while back and found one of their older forts pretty cool, so I saw a notification today from them thanks to Merely’s Group Enhancer and decided to check out their newer fort. I wasn’t disappointed.

Apologies for poor quality screenshots, but I can’t have my graphics settings too high on this computer or I’ll have like 4 frames.

Anyway, they’re very big into Imperial roleplay and apparently very good at making Imperial forts. I had a deep urge to load up Skyrim after visiting this fort. If you’re a Skyrim nerd like I am, you should definitely check it out.

Tell me when they remake Sadrith Mora, Tel included.


Just for your information, that fort is not new.

I’m aware, it’s new to me though as the last time I visited one of their places was maybe late 2013 or early 2014.

I really want The Elder Scrolls VI: Black Marsh.


[quote] I really want The Elder Scrolls VI: Black Marsh.

Plz [/quote]

I think I read somewhere that Bethesda had trademarked the name “Argonia” (aka Black Marsh) so it might not be that far off :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] I really want The Elder Scrolls VI: Black Marsh.

Plz [/quote]

As cool as I think Argonians are, I don’t know that there’s much of interest in Black Marsh? I guess they could make it work. What about one in Akavir? Lol, that’d be interesting.

I just want something that uses a proper scripting engine (not Papyrus – Lua maybe. Total War uses Lua for scripting (fun fact)), the ability for mods to add/remove items from leveledlists without overwriting the whole damn thing, and for mods to not be able to cause Skyrim to crash so easily.

Bro get on my level I modded morrowind.

Also I think Bethesda does the right thing by using whatever they can to make a great game on its own. Whether they could use a “real scripting system” or not should take second place to them making a great experience. Like morrowind. Or skyrim. Or dagger fall (for its time).

I’m really interested in Dwemer in TES. Some story about them would be very nice.

Speaking of mer who disappeared from the face of the planet, how about TES Skyrim: The Nordic Expansion where the snow elves hadn’t twisted into the ugly falmer yet, the dwemer still existed, and you can play as a snow elf / dwemer

Anything with elder scrolls in it is amazing, Also Elder Scrolls VI: Elsweyr

calling it now.

Although basically only 2 races live there, and imperials only live in Rimmen

Since this conversation turned more towards general Elder Scrolls conversation (which is good, I’m not the only ES nerd on RBXDev), I’ve made a separate thread for general Elder Scrolls discussion.