The Factory / [Concept]

Greetings, :factory:
Almost 2 months ago I had already built a factory, but now these 5 days this week I have built a new one, therefore, this is just a new concept, there are still new things to add to this peculiar map, In time it will update

- murjarquitecto


This would require some scripting, but some flashing lights could be a cool touch, maybe every 20 seconds or so some lights flicker.

Anyways, I love the build and I don’t really know what else you could add. :slight_smile: 10/10


For now I was just updating it in terms of structure, I’m not going to focus so much on programming for now :wink:


So realistic! Amazing work Murjar.

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Man this looks so awesome I even feel like I’m there, keep it up :slight_smile:

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I would like to see this map in a story game or something, because it just looks fantastic.


Your builds never cease to amaze me

Man that looks so pretty, it looks so realistic, good job :wink:

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If I had a nickel for every time you made a factory, I’d be incredibly poor but I would still have 10 cents.

Nice build, good improvement.