It’s a pretty good game I’d say! I personally do enjoy the smooth transitions between cutscenes, even if some are considered jokes
There are although a bugs that I seem to have encountered when I first played it:

This is probably the most noticeable one to me, it feels weird having the the Chat UI just cut off from there with it being blocked off by a side black screen
A workaround you could probably do, is disable the Chat System and replace it with one of ROBLOX’s very old Chat UI’s on the bottom here shown on the arrow:
That way, the default Chat UI wouldn’t be cutting off and it’d look much better
Another bug I found was that once you die, your Health UI stays invisible until you rejoin so you might wanna consider fixing that
One more bug, in specific being the Superball item: You can easily Autoclick that with no cooldown interval whatsoever, so you may want to implement a debounce for that so that way I’m not firing 750 dodgeballs from every direction like in this picture:
Now for the nitpicks/suggestions, it’s feels way too spam-repetitive on some occasions & you really just gotta spam back to either win or lose
My personal suggestion would be to change the Erik’s Attack Cooldown interval for each weapon he uses depending on the mode you’ve picked (Cause it honestly felt like the same rate for each mode)
And another one I might add, you could possibly add a couple of other special attacks as well that’ll halt Erik from attacking you, and he’ll rather more focus on scripted attacks to make sure that you’re prepared for what he’s about to send in next (An example I can provide is something I’ve worked on a long time ago):
You obviously don’t have to follow the pattern I’m using, but it’s just a suggestion to take note of
Overall though, the game’s pretty good if you want a challenge! Just do keep in mind the things that I stated