The First Order | ET

The First Order

Executioner Troopers

This document is the doctrine and handbook for every executioner trooper within The First Order. Use this guide as a strict guideline to what you do, how you act and any questions you may have about this division.

Table of Contents

  1. Synopsis
  2. Duties
  3. Commands
  4. Chain of Command
  5. Disciplinary Procedures
  6. Administrative Data

Section 1 - Synopsis

First Order Stormtrooper Executioners, also known as First Order Judicial Stormtroopers or Executioner Troopers,  were a variant of the stormtrooper utilized by the First Order around 34 ABY during its conflict with the Resistance. As part of a special branch of stormtroopers, executioners were tasked with dispensing final justice on First Order soldiers found guilty of treason. They were clad in white and black armor and armed with laser axes.


Owing to the First Order's merciless attitude towards treason, trumping

even that of the Empire where even a derogatory remark was considered treasonous, the First Order stormtrooper executioners tended to do several public executions on anyone with even slight loyalty issues each day. In addition, the stormtrooper executioner underwent several rotations during each session, and was even considered at times a test to see whether they will make it within the Stormtrooper Corps.


Section II - Duties

As an executioner trooper you have the responsibility of dealing with treasonous stormtroopers and prisoners. At points you will be commanded to conduct an execution, these can only be ordered by certain individuals which are stated in Section V. Additionally the Executioners work alongside the FOSB to ensure the transit of prisoners to the prison cells. If asked by a FOSB agent, assist them in their task to secure the target and ensure the arrest is carried out successfully. A successful arrest is getting the prisoner from location of arrest to cells unscathed as much as possible.


This division is not a front-line combat unit so that means you do not head out into full on engagement unless you are protecting an individual that is heading out, mentioned in Section V. At any other times when you do not need to execute, transfer or guard. Patrol the base, ensure that everyone is obeying the law and is properly named, et cetera. If anyone refuses a direct order by FOSB or ET they die. Obviously your orders must be within reason and abide by the law. If you are not an officer your orders can only be given if the target is making an offense to the TFO laws.


Section III - Commands

We have a few simple commands that an Executioner Officer will give you during your duties. They are as follows:


[A - Arrest; Assist a FOSB agent in completing an arrest by securing the target and transferring the prisoner to a secure location.


[C (Zone) - Clear; Order the dispersion of all non-approved members within an area. If no zone, it is immediate local area. Shout “CLEAR THIS AREA” then begin to force people out. If they do not comply, kill them. In this process axes will be ignited.


[E (Player) - Execute; Ignite your axe and kill mentioned player. If no player is mentioned use common sense and execute target that is the obvious choice.


[F (Player) - Follow; Follow the person stated. If no player mentioned, follow the officer who gave the order. Following is a column behind mentioned person.


[G (Player/Place) - Guard; Guard the person or location stated. If no player mentioned, follow the officer who gave the order. Guarding is generally a wedge but you must use common sense and teamwork to adapt to the scenario at hand.


[H - Hold position; Stand your ground in your current location or formation. It remains in effect unless told otherwise.


[I - Ignite; Spark up your laser axe.


[R - Reform; Adjust the current formation to suit rank order (High to low) and suitability for situation. Refer section IV for formations.


[O - Dis-ignite; Turn off your laser axe.



Here is a list of the approved formations that may be used by the Executioners.


Wedge - An arrowhead style formation with each man breaking off of the man to the left or right from opposite shoulders.


Double Column - Two single file lines forming off of the shoulders of the formation leader


Box - Generally achieved with 4 men, with 2 men at the front and 2 men at the back aligned on the outside of the formation leaders’ shoulders.


Prisoner Escort - A diamond style formation with troopers at the front, rear and sides of the prisoner. The front man will be the lead.


Execution Ceremony - Rarely used however very precise and aesthetically pleasing to look at, perfect symmetry will be followed. As this is the specialised formation below is a poorly made drawing of what it should look like.


The black dots are troopers, blue sergeants, red lieutenants, yellow captain, green prisoner. I will be in the formation however my position isn’t fixed.


Section IV - Chain of Command

Here is the chain of command that the Executioners follow when on and off duty.


  • FOSB Agent
  • Executioner Sergeant
  • FOSB Officer
  • Executioner Lieutenant
  • FOSB Deputy Director
  • Executioner Commander
  • High Command
  • Captain Phasma
  • Kylo Ren
  • General Hux
  • Supreme Leader


These are the only people that can give you an order. If anyone else attempts to order you remind them that they have no juridstriction over you and cannot order you. Do not abuse this privilege as you do not have clearance to do whatever you like towards them. Do not be rude towards other officers but rather remind them of your chain of command and continue with your duties mentioned in Section II.


Section V - Disciplinary Procedures

This section goes over the actions that can and will be taken against an Executioner if they are found breaking the laws, abusing their weaponry, status and mass-murdering.

Each offense has a varying degree of severity as no two offences are the same. The way this works is off of a blackmark system. If you gain 3 blackmarks you will be exiled from Executioner Troopers and suspended from joining it for 2 weeks and potentially blacklisted depending on the nature of your blackmarks.


A green level offence is minor and will not gain you a blackmark


An amber level offence is medium and will have you reviewed for one.


A red level offence is major and will gain you a blackmark on the spot.


A black level offence is severe and will result in your exile from the executioners and potential blacklisting. You will also be demoted to cadet.


Below are examples of each 1.

Green - Going AFK whilst on duty without notifying an officer.

Amber - Random killing a prisoner or First Order Officer.

Red - Going directly against explicit orders

Black - Attacking an Executioner or High Command+


Section VI - Administrative Data

Finally the information that you must use to format your in-game and discord names / images for suitability to serve within the Executioners.


In-game name:


To set an ingame name do /name NAME


The format we use is as follows:


Main group rank

Executioner Troopers

Executioner rank


Do NOT include your username


/color 1003


/scolor 1003


Do CTRL+J after each line to force a centered line-break.


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