The First Order
Starfighter Corps
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Roles
- Formations
- Logs and Updates
Article 1 -Introduction
Section I -Use of this Handbook.
This Handbook is to be used by Members in SFC that want to get into BlackHole or members in BlackHole. This handbook contains any information you may need for BlackHole.
Section II -BlackHole.
BlackHole is one of the 2 main Squadrons in SFC. The main objective for BlackHole is Defence and Support. In this Squadron we partake in missions involving escorting, Defence, And other missions for Meteor when they need support. The current capacity for members that BlackHole can have is 10.
Article 2 -Roles.
Section 1 -Roles of the Squadron.
In this squadron we are tasked in Escorting, Defending Ground units and Buildings Ect. We will also support Meteor in their missions as seen in Article 1 Section II.
Section II -Squadron Commander.
The Squadron Commander leads the Squadron into the field. He/She is a Sergeant, This is the one in charge of Trials, Examinations, This handbook, And other conventions concerning BlackHole.
Section III -Platoon Commander.
The Platoon Commander is in charge of the platoon. He/She is a Lieutenant. This is the one in charge of Tryouts, Sources like the Trello, And sometimes this Handbook, This is the one also incharge of the logs.
Section IV -Company Commander.
The Company Commander is incharge of SFC. He/She is a Major and has control over SFC.
Article 3 -Introduction to Formations.
Section I -Intro to Formations
Formations are Flight patterns used to organize a Flight. They are used in Various Jobs. We use them for Defending and Escorting. There are 4 main formations for BlackHole, Box, Diamond, Fluid Four, And Vic/Wedge.
Section II -Box.
The Box Formation is a Four Tie Formation. Two Ties fly directly in front, And two fly behind and below the lead. This is used in escorting friendly vessels.
Section III -Diamond.
The Diamond Formation is a Four Tie Formation. One Tie Flies in front, One behind, And one on the left and right. This is very effective when escorting
Section IV -Fluid Four.
The Fluid Four Formation is a Four Tie Formation. Two ties fly in front close together, And two in the back far apart. It should look like a trapezoid. This is another Formation used in escorting.
Section V -Vic/Wedge.
The Vic/Wedge is just like wedging but in the air. The leader is in front while the other part of the Flight trail to the left and right.
Article 4 -Logs and Updates.
Section I -Logs
Logs are Documents that are filled out and sent to the Squadron Commander. They let us know how active you are. Inactivity notices are logs you fill out before going inactive. They let us know when you can't get on so we don't remove you.
Section II -How to fill out Logs.
To fill out logs you will fill out the following information in the given order. Username, Rank, Squadron, Date, Time Beginning, Time Concluded, Summary. You will then send it to your Squadron Commander. Inactivity Notices are filled out in the chat that is made for them on the Discord. Instead of a Summary its a Reason.
Section III -Current Commanders.
[CC] Company Commander: Major Joker
[PC] Platoon Commander: Lieutenant Jager
[SC] Squadron Commander: Sergeant Sly
Section IV -Sources of Information.
Here are some Areas to get Sources of Information and were to get them.
Commanders can be found on the Disc, They are very helpful when it comes to questions. The BlackHole Test can be found from Sergeant Sly. The Trello can be found from The Starfighter Documents.