The fishing village

In this week I have been building a small fishing village, the style of this one I do not consider completely realistic, maybe simple and a little realistic maybe, but for now I lack minimal details to add in some areas Thank you

- murjarquitecto


I love it, it looks well done, especially the castle above, keep it up :slight_smile:


I love it :heart_eyes:
It really looks amazing.

Where did you get these Trees from?
Also, did you use Meshes for something like the Boats or are they also build in Roblox itself?

I actually made them with pieces and rotation, I’m used to doing this kind of thing by now

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Wow, they look really smooth for that.
If I am allowed to ask, what are you intend to do with this Map? Was it just a build for your Portfolio or do you want to make out of this a real Game?

I only use it as a showcase for now

“a small fishing village”

My whole face dropped when I saw the pictures.

Amazing job, wow.


I’ve Given you 105 Hearts. And I don’t Regret it

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It’s absolutely beautiful. The trees go well, the background of the city is beautiful, the boats, wow. Really well done.

Please tell me the ways. Amazing job!

This is AMAZING! I don’t see how you think it’s simple. Much better than I could do!

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Saying this is great, is nothing. This is an masterpiece! It’s amazing how much details you putted in so huge place!

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Looks very good, nice lighting and ambient :wink:

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