The flattener terrain tool is useable due to being inaccurate

I’ve noticed the terrain flattener is unuseable due to being really inaccurate.

If you try to flatten the terrain height it does not use the exact terrain height you started on and lowers everything in full voxels.

If you try to flatten lower terrain only to the current height and you clip inside of a mountain it creates a small air pocket and messes up the edges.

This prevents me from properly modifying the terrain.


The whole editor tool brush is bugged. I don’t think many people notice it though so roblox isn’t aware. I’ve been having all kinds of issues with brush tools not doing what they are supposed to do.


The fact that the automatic plane lock doesn’t work is ridicolous, the flatten tool is unusable :confused:

Related to this bug report:

Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

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