I was bored and didn’t know what to build, so I made the emoji.
Deep fried flushed emoji

Here’s what the real emoji looks like (if you somehow couldn’t tell already by the amount of times I’ve used it in this post)
I was bored and didn’t know what to build, so I made the emoji.
Here’s what the real emoji looks like (if you somehow couldn’t tell already by the amount of times I’ve used it in this post)
The eyebrows are a little bit too curved and high.The flush marks are also too pink.
Looks better. Now curve the tips of the eyebrows and mouth
by adding some circles.
@SneakerDude2 Make the emoji next.
Why am I taking this seriously lol
This is a masterpiece, unratable, too good. I think you should try another emoji if you have time.
Dunno if I can do that but I’ll try lol
Since you requested it, I’ll do another emoji later today or tommorow. This was actually pretty fun to make lol
put the two halves of the face closer, it just looks odd with it being decently far apart
Tbh, your creation makes me want to make one after I’m done scripting too lol. May come out odd, but fun little activity for me to do during spring break.
why do all of yours look so lumpy
This is the definition of blursed
And I love it LOL