The future of Cineworld

The future of Cineworld

Hello there everyone, I am writing this as I feel it is my duty to keep everyone informed about what is happening in our communtiy.

The project started back in 2016, back then I was new to building and scripting, and lets just say, Cineworld wasnt looking as good as it could be.

Later on, I decided to take on one of my good friends, @JackThePro202 who put in large amounts of time and effort to bring the cinema to where it is today. He opened up a new vision for Cineworld, Roblox’s most immersive experience.

Next in our journey is where we got @TheOfficialINI123 and @Xepois who managed to build a new branch to Cineworld in an amazing amount of time, whilst getting into contact with people such as @DaRealBengo and @Stratophoria

Currently, our main game has not been worked on for quite a few months, and a couple things have gradually become broken by Roblox updates.

This is where the future comes in.

Like I said earlier, my development skills have improved to a great standard, and I feel as if Cineworld lacks in the visions we have made for it.

Therefore, my current plan is to completely rebuild Cineworld, working more closely with my team, the community, and everyone else who has involvement to produce a new game, to the best of my ability, and have it released by the end of 2021 (Hopefully)

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

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