The game is no longer available on ROBLOX, how do I appeal?

Hello everyone! The game I have been working on has been restricted by Roblox for violating the community standards. The reason is that I included a Discord server link. I saw a front-page game doing the same thing and thought there was nothing wrong with it. I contacted Roblox Support (under the category “Moderation - I was wrongly moderated for an asset I created”) and explained that I understood the violation and had removed the link from the UI.

Unfortunately, no one has responded to me, even though the message was properly constructed. When I try to make the game public, I see an error message: “The root place for this universe is under review and cannot be activated. Privacy could not be saved. Please try again.”

Can someone help me and tell me if there’s a chance I can get my game back? Thanks!

You just need to wait until Roblox Support responses to you. You can’t really do anything other than wait

They won’t respond within a few minutes but rather can take days

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You can try to appeal on the roblox when you got banned if you arent ban you can wait for customer support or use their number and call the customer support.

Also what assets did you use on the content game?