The game window shifts up when player open system keyboard at the Roblox report menu on mobile devices

The game window shifts up when player open system keyboard at the Roblox report menu on mobile devices.

We reproduce this bug at 🏀 Basketball Dunk Heroes 🏀 - Roblox , and ⚽ Super Striker League - Roblox also.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log in to the game on your mobile device
  2. Open the Roblox menu
  3. Go to the Report tab
  4. Tap the “Abuse Description” field
  5. Pay attention to the displacement of the game window when system keyboard open

Repro Frequency: 100%

Expected behavior

The game window did not shifts up when player open system keyboard at the Roblox report menu on mobile devices


I apologize if there’s something I’m not seeing here, but this looks intentionally done so that you can see what you’re typing in the report field.

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May be a misunderstanding there. I mean that game interface (buttons, menus, etc) is shift up.
You can see it at the background when system keyboard is open.
For example thats how system keyboard open with ingame chat - game interface is not shift up

This is minor thing anyway. Lets see if we get some response from Roblox Staff.

This is intentional behavior. The reason the window shifts up is so that the player can see the text when typing into the textbox. The reason this didn’t happen for the chat is because the textbox for chat is high enough that it isn’t blocked by the keyboard.


Thanks for the report; We’ll follow up when we have an update for you;

This is intentional behavior, closing this for now.

I’ve been having issues with this lately using textbox. Here’s the problem:

happens 50-75% of the time like in the vid
(cannot post bug reports, allow me in AllowBugReports group to make it more official)
here’s a game to test: mobile bug - Roblox