The Grand Army of the Republic Guideline


          The Grand Army of the Republic

    Last Modified January 11th, 2021 by GettuseBook, Written by Aveixth Revised by Gettuse

The Grand Army of the Republic

Credits: Akame

Sectors/Table of Contents:

  • Sector I: Information
  • Sector II: Ranks
  • Sector III: Policies
  • Sector IV: Training Basics

Sector I: Info

[ Chain of Command ]

Military Chain of Command

L1 | Supreme Chancellor
L2 | Vice Chancellor
L3 | Grand Master
L4 | Supreme Commander
L5 | Grand Marshal
C-2 | Marshal Commander
JG | Jedi General
C-1 | Commander
O-4 | Major
O-3 | Captain
O-2 | Lieutenant
O-1 | Second Lieutenant
N-1 | Warrant Officer
E-9 | Sergeant Major
E-8 | Master Sergeant
E-7 | Staff Sergeant
E-6 | Gunnery Sergeant
E-5 | Sergeant
E-4 | Corporal
E-3 | Specialist
E-2 | Trooper
E-1 | Cadet

Division Chain of Command

Supreme Chancellor
Vice Chancellor
JG | Jedi General
CO | Commander
XO | Executive Commander
CC | Company Commander
Divisional Officer

Jedi Order Chain of Command

Grand Master
Master of the Order
Jedi Council
Jedi Master
Jedi Instructor
Jedi Battlemaster
Jedi Peacekeeper
Jedi Sentinel
Jedi Consular
Jedi Guardian
Jedi Knight
Jedi Padawan
Jedi Initiate
Jedi Youngling
Force Sensitive

Senatorial Chain of Command

Supreme Chancellor
Vice Chancellor
Chancellorโ€™s Office
Chair of the Senate

[ Sectors ]

Sector I/Primary Sector

  • 501st Legion:
  • 212th Attack Battalion:
  • 104th Battalion:
  • 41st Elite Corps:

Sector II/Secondary Sector

  • 21st Nova Corps:
  • 91st Reconnaissance Corps:
  • 327th Star Corps:
  • 205th Recruitment Commandos:

Sector III/Republic Security Forces (RSF)

  • Royal Guards (RG):
  • Senate Guards (SG):
  • Coruscant Guards (CG):

Sector IV/Special Operations Brigade (SOB)

  • Advanced Recon Commandos (ARC):
  • Advanced Recon Forces (ARF):
  • Republic Intelligence (RI):
  • Republic Commandos (RC):

Sector II: Ranks

The numbers beside the ranks are how many Valors you need to achieve that rank, once you have enough you will be given that rank. Valors will be obtained through events.

Valors System:

Basic Training - 1 - 5 Valors (Depends on youโ€™re skill)
This is a training that tests your Faces/Formations.

Combat Training - 1 - 5 Valors (Depends on youโ€™re skill)
This is a training that tests your combat.

[ Low Ranks | LR ] [ E-1 - E-4 ]

E-1 | Cadet [ 0 ]: Join the group to achieve this rank.

E-2 | Trooper [ 7 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 7 Valors.

E-3 | Specialist [ 16 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 16 Valors.

E-4 | Corporal [ 30 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 30 Valors.

[ Medium Ranks | MR ] [ E-5 - N-1 ]

E-5 | Sergeant [ 50 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 50 Valors.

E-6 | Gunnery Sergeant [ 70 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 70 Valors.

E-7 | Staff Sergeant [ 100 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 100 Valors.

E-8 | Master Sergeant [ 125 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 125 Valors.

E-9 | Sergeant Major [ 150 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 150 Valors.

N-1 | Warrant Officer [ 200 ]: To achieve this rank, you must obtain 200 Valors.

[ High Ranks | HR ] [ O-1 - C-2 ]

O-1 | Second Lieutenant: To achieve this rank, you must complete Phase 4 of Officer Academy.

O-2 | Lieutenant: To achieve this rank, you must complete Officer Academy.

O-3 | Captain: To achieve this rank, you must catch the attention of the Senior High Ranks.

O-4 | Major: To achieve this rank, you must become an Executive Officer of a division by completing Officer Academy.

C-1 | Commander: To achieve this rank, you must become a Commander of a division by completing Officer Academy.

JG | Jedi General: To achieve this rank, you must become a part of the Jedi Council.

C-2 | Marshal Commander: To achieve this rank, you must be handpicked.

[ Senior High Ranks | SHR ] [ L-5 - L-1 ]

L-5 | Grand Marshal

L-4 | Supreme Commander

L-3 | Grandmaster

L-2 | Vice Chancellor

L-1 | Supreme Chancellor

Sector III: Policies

[ Basic Policies ]

1.1: Behavior, Respect, Maturity.

  • Maturity. When on duty or when an event is in session, you must act mature, this means, you are to act appropriately, using grammar, respecting others, and following rules.

  • Behavior towards Officers, and Senior Officers. Disrupting events is not allowed. Officer commands are expected to be followed, as long as itโ€™s appropriate.

  • Behavior towards troopers. Racist, sexist, or homophobic conversations is strictly forbidden. Acting toxic towards others is not tolerated.

  • Behavior outside The Galactic Army of the Republic that will discriminate against the group, or people in it will not be tolerated.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to two warnings, a jail time of 3 minutes (In game), another warning, a jail time of 5 minutes for every repetition (In game). If this policy is violated several times punishments will lead to a rank lock of 1 week, then a demotion if continued.

1.2: Language.

  • Language speaking. Conversations within The Galactic Republic, are to be in English only.

  • Swearing/Cursing is strictly prohibited within The Galactic Republic.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to two warnings, a jail time of 3 minutes, another warning, a jail time of 5 minutes for every repetition. If this policy is violated several times punishments will lead to a rank lock of 1 week, then a demotion if continued.

1.3: Advertising.

  • Advertising other groups is strictly prohibited within The Galactic Republic or in any group part of The Star Wars Universe (SWU).

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to two warnings, a rank lock of one week, a demotion, then a kick if continued.

1.4: High Rankings, Abuse of Power.

  • High Ranking commands are expected to be followed as long as itโ€™s appropriate.

  • Abuse of power is forbidden. This complies to High Ranking Officers, and Republic Security Forces. Random kicking, demoting, Admin Abusing, arresting, or false warnings, are not permitted.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to a warning, then a demotion if continued.

1.5: Privacy.

  • Dating, seducing, or harassing is strictly forbidden within The Galactic Republic.

  • Personal info. Trying to get someoneโ€™s personal info persistently after being refused is not allowed. Person giving their info is held accountable for their own actions.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to two warnings, a jail time of 3 minutes (In-game), another warning, a jail time of 5 minutes for every repetition (In game). If this policy is violated several times punishments will lead to a rank lock of 1 week, then a demotion if continued.

1.6: Trespass, Restrictions.

  • Entering the Jedi Order base when an event is in session is not allowed.

  • Interfering with Jedi Order trainings as a trooper is prohibited.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to a warning, a jail time of 3 minutes (In-game), a jail time of 5 minutes for every repetition (In game). If this policy is violated several times punishments will lead to a rank lock of 1 week, then a demotion if continued.

[ Division Policies ]

2.1: Division Compatibilities.

  • Maximum number of main and sub divisions that can be joined is 1. Sub-divisions are divisions within The Special Operations Brigade (SOB), except Republic Commandos. The following are the divisionโ€™s compatibility.

ARC: 501st Legion, 104th Battalion, 212th Attack Battalion, 21st Nova Corps.

ARF: 501st Legion, 104th Battalion, 212th Attack Battalion, 21st Nova Corps.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to a warning, a rank lock of 1 week in division and main group, a kick from division.

2.2: Division Discharge and Division Hopping.

  • Leaving a division requires a discharge request being accepted. To have a discharge request to be accepted, there must be a minimum of 1 week stay in that division.

  • Division hopping is not allowed within The Galactic Republic. This means, joining and leaving a division will not be tolerated.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to a warning, a blacklist from that division, another warning, a blacklist from all divisions.

[ Discord Policies ]

3.1: Voice Calls.

  • Earrape, and swearing is prohibited in The Galactic Republic voice communications.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to a warning, a mute for one day on every repetition.

3.2: NSFW.

  • Posting any NSFW pictures or videos is strictly forbidden.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to a warning, a demotion, then a kick.

3.3: Communication/Language/Messaging

  • All messages should be in English when typing in the discord.

  • Swearing/Cursing is prohibited in The Galactic Republic discord.

  • Flooding chats with pings, or other messages is not allowed in The Galactic Republic

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to three warnings. A mute of for one day on every repetition.

3.4: Privacy/Bullying

  • Invading someoneโ€™s privacy is forbidden in The Galactic Republic. This includes religious
    things, and personal information.

  • Bullying someone or making fun of them is not tolerated in The Galactic Republic.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to a warning, a demotion, then a kick.

3.5: Usage

  • All discord channels are to be used for what they are meant for.

Failing to follow this policy, will lead to five warnings, a mute for 1 day on each repetition.

Sector IV: Training Basics

[ Terms ]

You can only talk with these terms in training AT ALL TIMES.

โ€œYes, Sirโ€

โ€œNo, Sirโ€

โ€œUnderstood, Sir.โ€

โ€œPermission to go AFK, Sirโ€

โ€œPermission to be dismissed, Sir.โ€

โ€œPermission to speak, Sir.โ€

[ General Commands ]

Prepare, Forward, Kick, March. - This command is used for marching. Prepare (Prepare to march), Forward, Kick (Jump in order from first in line to the last), March (Follow the person in front of you).

Ready, Aim, Fire. - This command is used for shooting. Ready (Get ready to fire), Aim (Aim at the target), Fire (Fire once).

Ready, Aim, FaW (Fire at Will). - This command is used for shooting rapidly. Ready (Get ready to fire), Aim (Aim at the target), Fire (Fire rapidly and reload on will).

Reload. - This command is used for reloading.

Cease. - This command is used to stop firing.

[ Basics Training ]

Jacks (BT):

GJs - Grammar Jacks. You are to type every number in word form until you reach what the host told you to do.

Example: 5 GJs. You would type.

One. (Enter) (Then jump)
Two. (Enter) (Then jump)
Three. (Enter) (Then jump)
Four. (Enter) (Then jump)
Five. (Enter) (Then jump)
Done, Sir.

HJs - Hell Jacks. You are to type every letter of each number until you reach what the host told you to do.

Example: 3 HJs. You would type.

O (Enter) (Then jump)
N (Enter) (Then jump)
E (Enter) (Then jump)
One. (Enter) (Then jump)
T (Enter) (Then jump)
W (Enter) (Then jump)
O (Enter) (Then jump)
Two. (Enter) (Then jump)
T (Enter) (Then jump)
H (Enter) (Then jump)
R (Enter) (Then jump)
E (Enter) (Then jump)
E (Enter) (Then jump)
Three. (Enter) (Then jump)
Done, Sir.

Faces (BT):

Faces will have 1 - 3 rounds of elimination. The following are the commands that will be used for each round. Each round will consist of 10 face commands.

Left, face. - Turn 90 degrees left from wherever you are facing.

Right, face. - Turn 90 degrees right from wherever you are facing.

Center, face. - Turn to the general direction of the host, if he is on your right do a right face.

About, face. - Turn 180 degrees around.

Left, incline. - Turn 45 degrees left.

Right, incline. - Turn 45 degrees right.

Control, face. - Follow the host with your eyes.

Parkour (BT):
Once you are at the Agility part, you will finish the agility course(s). You will be timed or lived depending on the host.

[ Combat Training ]

Combat (CT):
Once you finish the grammar, you will do some combat. You will be teamed into two teams. You will then be spawned in a map with a gun. The OS (Outscore) is how many lives you have. You will listen to the rules and info from the host.

[ Tryout ]
Tryouts will consist of faces, formations, parkour, grammar/hell jacks, and combat. Depending on the division and Commander there may be other things added/included in your tryout.

Formations (TYO):

STS - Shoulder to Shoulder. When you and others touch shoulders.

SFL - Single File Line. When you make a single file line.

Wedge - When you make a wedge shape. Basically an arrow, even people on both sides. If there is one more person then he goes at the back.

Right wing - When you make a wedge except only the hostโ€™s right side.

Left wing - When you make a wedge except only the left side.

Inverted โ€œCommandโ€ - Same command but reversed in the hosts front.

Surround/Box - Form a box or surround the host depending on how many people.

Prisoners Box - Form a box or surround the host while pointing a gun at him. When the host moves, you shoot.

V.I.P. Box - Form a box or surround the host with your gun pointing outwards and protecting the host.

Firing line - Form a line on either side of the host with your gun pointing at the way the host is facing.


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