The GUI doesn't become visible for some reason


Basically, the frame doesn’t open which is strange, please help! The code is down below.


local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer



local frame = script.Parent

frame.Visible = true

Is this in a local script, or is it a server script

This is a local script, I really have to use a local sadly

Are you sure it’s the frame that is with visible off? (and not the ScreenGui)

Yes I’m 100% sure

char limit

You’re trying to wait for the player character to spawn once? or continuously have it play this script? Because, if you’re going to delete this script I think you just want the frame to show up once. So if that’s the case, you have to instead put this line up to replace that player.CharacterAdded, like so:

if not Character then repeat wait() until player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Wait() end
frame.Visible = true

It’s probably because the character spawns in before the script does, so it’s not firing the event of player.CharacterAdded.

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You can do this with a normal server script in scriptService

		player.PlayerGui.frame.Visible = true

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