The guns for my murder game

I am working on the basics of the guns for my Murder game. Mostly got the functionality as guns done, not really meant for the game yet. What you think (too big, in spoilers):

The gun that some innocents will get

I still have a lot to go, but I want to know what you think of the guns so far. Yes, the innocents will get something to do.

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Loving that there ammo gui. Haven’t seen stuff like it before,

That is the point. :swag:

Love it. Mind showing the math behind it?

What part of the math? Rotation? Ammo? What?

It looks really cool!

What are you going to call the not so innocents with guns? :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] It looks really cool!

What are you going to call the not so innocents with guns? :stuck_out_tongue: [/quote]

People with concealed hand gun licenses :swag:

dat pencil sharpener

Also, the GUI seems to be a bit small and unassuming. If you got some more color into it or made it larger then I think it would look better and easier to notice.

[quote] It looks really cool!

What are you going to call the not so innocents with guns? :stuck_out_tongue: [/quote]

You can be innocent and own a gun in 'murica (for now)

More on topic: The murderer better get something better than a knife if a ton of people have guns :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheese cannon! :wink:

Cheese cannon! :wink:

One problem I can see with this is people going “Show us your gun or die” :frowning:

Unless it’s possible that someone will not spawn with a gun, or the sheriff is also given a civilian weapon

Maybe a feign gun for the murder that looks like it shoots, But does nothing.

Murder 3 confirmed

Rotation, that’s pretty cool.

maybe the 1-shot gun adds a slow-down effect temporarily, but only the murderer and sheriff got killing weapons?

I was going to use a basic equation that makes it only two innocents would get a gun.

Rotation, that’s pretty cool.[/quote]
Very easy…
it is something like

for j = 1, 10 do
 GUI.Roatation = GUI.Roation + 72/10

Wow, -_-. Thanks! :smiley: