Since it is getting icy on this side of the world, I decided to build a big hall of ice. This far it looks like this but I feels like its too empty. What should I add or remove to make it even better? If you went to the game and found a mistake… constructive criticism is appreciated.
link to the game
I do congratulate you on your beautiful build. Particular kudos is due for the inclusion of the beautifully sculptured ice angels - that is a really lovely touch. Well done to you.
I will look forward to seeing a link to your game soon.
Nice build, but there is way to much reflection
Oh, thank you very much, I appreciate your nice words! I really forgot the link and now added it.
Thanks. There is no part which doesn’t reflect. I will reduce reflection a little.
Thank you for the link. I’ll visit it now. You asked for constructive criticism. I personally think that your work is very beautiful but, if I had to suggest anything, I would recommend more clutter at eye-level: maybe some ice pews, more ice angel statues mounted on the floor, a snow-themed pulpit … and so on.
Perhaps this image of an ice cathedral (found on Google) might inspire you.
Anyway, beautiful work … my fingers are itching to visit your link.
Anyway, my visit was most enjoyable. I loved the large spacious airy interior and the frosty themed to the build. If anything, I wonder whether you think that the following musical instrument might be more in keeping with the crisp, icy feel of the interior. It’s called a glass harmonica and it has a beautiful icy tone to the melody. What do you think?
“Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” on the Glass Harmonica - YouTube
Woah, you are so good at building, it looks like an ice exhibition in Lapland, Finland which I visited! Thank you for recommendations, excactly what I wanted to hear.
Ofcourse I will add this melody to my showcase, glad you had time to visit and time to suggest better music.
It’s definitely a bit too empty right now but HOLY COW! It’s so detailed!
The only suggestions I have for filling it up a bit is maybe adding some fancy, big props that have sort of an ice tone to it, I don’t know how to explain it.
Thank you for suggestion! Yeah, that’s a good idea. When I have free time, I will add something icestyled and fancy there or like snowthemed and christmas stuff.