The History of the USMG

The USM has a massive history, going back to 2009. This will show you a list of all the conflicts the USM has taken part in and their dates.

Revolution-August 7th-13th 2009
(USM broke away from the RSO, After months of arguing and fighting 20 members of the RSO broke away to create the USM, In response the RSO fought back great losses on both sides caused RSO to official consider USM a group.)

RSO/RSI War-November 12th-18th-2009
(USM now organized fights to protect its cause until a “cease fire” occurs this happened due to massive build up of USM Forces.)

December War-December 15th-28th-2009
(CNSC is founded, Battles which take place end the conflict between the RSI,RSO and the USM) Results in USM joining the CNSC for the time being. This happened due to the fact that USM had become larger than RSO and RSI. However in a weird play of events USM resolved its differences to side with RSI and RSO.

SAG War-February 22nd-March 2nd-2010
(USM joins the “United Roblox”, First international group war for the USM,
Resulted in one of the greatest victories for the USM and the UR. USM Took little losses and destroyed most of the SAG Forces)(Operation Golden Sword),Flippy95 wings the Medal of Honor after he jumps in front of incoming bullet to save an officer.

ZIP War-March 21st-April 8th-2010
(UR and USM forces invade all ZIP bases drawing a massive POW build up Another Great UR and USM Victory.)
(Operation Passage to Freedom)

Operation Just Cause-May 19th-June-25th-2010
(USM provides AID to UR groups suffering. Resulted in the creation of several powerful groups.) Several small “Terrorist” groups were also delt with.

ISAF War-July29th-August-14th-2010
(USM sends forces into the small group called the ISAF. After a small group of Communists created a group bent on destruction of the USM. USM Directed attacks against them destroying them for good.)

Operation Noble Anvil-November 16th-October 24th-2010
(USM forces fight the forces of UI) With great success USM forces march two map lengths across open desert to the UI base, taking heavy losses but capturing the base.

NATO is founded December 12th, A joint coalition of clans united to defend each other, UR Slowly dissolved, USM also joins the AC another alliance.

IRM War-January 16th-January 25th-2011
(USM and the newly founded NATO forces liberate Merryville from the forces of the IRM) (Operation Rolling Thunder USM led) Resulted in Merryville being liberated and the IRM being dissolved. USM took little losses and proved NATO was a strong alliance.(Operation Robloxian Freedom AC led) Merryville honors troops who liberated the town.

First Vakovian Conflict-February23rd-March 1st-2011
(VAK forces rise to power, Attacking many NATO and CNSC groups across roblox)
(USM responds with Operation Allied Force. This consists of the CNSC,NATO,UR,AC forces and the USM fighting against VAK to avenge the allies who were attacked. Results in an agreement to stop all conflict with VAK. Heavy Losses were taken by both sides(Operation Noble Strike)(Operation Allied Offensive)

Second Vakovian Conflict Marchv2nd-June 19th-2011
(NATO,USM Forces decide to go to war with VAK once more in an effort to stop their spread. This results in a combined force of 4000+ Soldiers fighting all of VAK. Heavy Losses on both sides resulted in a stalemate. Vak officially declared a cease fire on June 19th. This stopped all VAK from fighting NATO,CNSC and AC forces.(Operation Overlord)

June 20th-USM is officially kicked from CNSC after arguements and reported USM CNSC firefights.

June 25th-United Roblox is dissolved after arguments between NATO Chairman and UR Chairman.

Operation Anaconda-July 2nd-2011
(USM Forces from the 75th Rangers,1st Recon,Seal Team 2. Attack a small group of Terrorist fighters(“Terrorist Team”) finishing the small team after attacking an embassy in DC.

GU War-July 14th-20th-2011
(USM Forces invaded the German Union, After massive attacks on allies)(USM sent up to 300 soldiers into GU bases. Little resistance was met and the USM took the GU over within 20 minutes of the start)

RB Conflict-July 26th-July27th-2011
(USM forces are attacked by the “Roblox Bandits” taking heavy losses. The USM Responds with elements of the Marine 1,2,3rd Marine Divisions and the Army 1st,3rd,4th,82nd Divisions. RB faces a force of more than 2000+ soldiers and surrenders after USM forces brake through the gates of there bases.

RNC War-August 24th
(RNC declares war on the USEMC( USM Ally). In response the USM declares war on the RNC. This results in Operation LineBacker1 which sent the 82nd,101st Airborne,1st,2nd Marine Divisions,18th Airlift Wing,And elements of SOCOM into an RNC Base. This started the Battle for New Dehli capital of the RNC and India. USM Forces took control of the Capital and it ended with the leader being Executed by USM Navy Seals and Rangers. RNC was disolved.

War on Communism-September 15th-October 1st-2011
USM Declares all Communist groups on roblox to be enemies. This has resulted in one of the biggest build ups of USM Soldiers in its history. It started against the RSA, USM Forces sent 12 Divisions into there places and crushed the resistance. From there USM fought the UAF which intervened, Resulted in one of the largest USM operations in its history. More than 1000 USM Soldiers fought against UAF at there HQ. Heavy Losses were taken and after four hours of brutal fighting USM Broke through and captured the UAF HQ. USM also fought elements from other Communist groups. The purpose of this campaign was to stop the spread of communism on roblox. It was not found to be successful because of inadequate assistance and because of the large numbers of communist groups on roblox.(Operation Red Strike)

Second RNC War -October 6th-2011
USM in plan to aid the forces of RNC and RMR against PMC. Find large numbers of USM within PMC and find it not to be a threat. In response to this USM finds a way to peace by urging the leader of PMC to find peaceful terms. RNC takes this as a threat from the USM, Since it supposedly was helping its enemies. RNC declares USM enemy and USM Fights back with a force of five divisions. RNC try to hold their HQ but fail, RNC falls back to a Beach head where they hold the USM until a cease fire is called by the alliance NUL.(Operation Rising Tiger)

October 23rd-USM forces and RMR forces clash in a battle at RMR’s Capital Provanka, why this started is unclear.

November 1st-December 18th (2011)- RMR and five groups from CNSC declare USM to be an enemy after reported threats by USM members and becuase of USM’s RNC conflict. USM fights on RMR soil in some of the bloodiest battles in USM history, over 1000 KIA in the first week. RMR and CNSC’s story was very similar. Peace talks began to happen to stop further conflict, On November 15th USM pulls all forces out of RMR,and CNSC places. By December 12th-RNC is in full scale war with RMR and CNSC. December-18th RMR(Juliane) and USM(Gmf23) meet to discuss ending what seemed to be a Cold War, It was found RNC had provoked the war and NATO/CNSC (USM-RMR) forces ally to help defeat the cause of this war-RNC. November-19th RNC Exploits RMR’s bases to the public.

JAN 2nd-JAN 25th(2012) “Operation Ark Angel” The USS JFK a US Navy Super Carrier is exploited to the public by richkid and his RNC. The USM declares war on the RNC. USM and RNC members fight in brutal battles in both Kunar and several RNC places. After a long and brutal fight Richkid1000 Officially surrenders to USM forces.

JAN 28th-March 3rd,(2012) “Operation Phantom Fury” After Several Exploits and Terrorist attacks at Washington DC and Kunar on USM forces. The United States launches Phantom Fury to defend its bases aginist further attacks. It resulted in heroic actions by USM forces to help stop and clean up further insurgency.

March 15th-April 6th(2012)- “Operation Hastings” The Forces from AE or Austrait attack USM forces at Kunar and DC. USM Responds with a massive Coalition from both the CNSC and NATO. After major conflict and many KIA USM forces finally push into the AE capitol and captures their Capitol building.

April 2nd- USM is kicked from CNSC for becoming too large
April 2nd- United Nations is founded

April 19th-May 5th(2012) “Operation Kunar Shield” ITAF and Several CNSC forces attack Kunar a USM war zone. To defend againist further attack USM launched Kunar shield to block anymore attacks. USM SOCOM racks up more than 40 enemy leader kills confirmed by Decals. USM forces fight more than 37 diffrent clans in the attacks following them to their bases after they left. It was the most clans USM has fought at once.

May 18th-May 25th(2012) “Operation Urgent Fury”- the old USA group’s group holder “maculus” is converted to Communism and takes over the former USA group as its President and changes it to the USSA, or United Soviet States of America, He allies with RSA and RSSR using these Soviet groups to take the former USA over, In response USM declares war on USSA,RSA,USSR major fighting occur, May 23rd the new United States of America is founded by Gmf23. USM forces finally break Maculus’s small army on May 24th when he requests a rejoin, the new US refuses to rejoin. RSA and USM finally declare peace on May 26th.

June 2nd-10th-(2012) RSA forces once more declare the United States an enemy and invade several US Outposts and Warzones. US Forces respond with Operation Torch and send in the USMC and several Army divisions to clean up the battlefield. In one of the legendary battles in US history, The first invasion forces take Crucifix Hill after a long bloody battle. After the capture RSA finally surrenders, “Operation Torch”
June 13th Several RAT members come to Kunar and act as peace keeping members. After getting into the AFB the RAT members open fire on a group of defending US Forces. US Responds by sending in SOCOM teams to avenge the attacks.

June 20th-July 22nd (2012) “The Great War”- After continued raids from RAT and its allies UAF declares the United States an enemy for its response to the June 13 attacks. The United States put recruitment and development into overdrive to combat the UAF. US Forces gain 1000 soldiers and get to its highest number at the time of 8600 available soldiers. Along with the help of FEAR and several other Super Clans the United States is successful in its raids against UAF. However this change as NFC joins UAF side, becoming a two front war for the US. The US remains strong and fights hard but still losing massive amounts of casualties. A turning point came in the war during a 30 person server. When 20 UAF Soldiers against 10 US Soldiers led by a Navy Seal detachment stormed the lava fields of UAF’s main Warzone. The Solders finally scaled the walls of the base and opened the gate allowing further forces to flood in. After this NFC finally exited the conflict and several days later the UAF signed a treaty with the US. “Operation Enduring Freedom”

July 23rd- Because of the UAF war FEAR and many other super clans consider USM to be a member of the Super Clan, Community.

July 23rd-August 3rd (2012) – After the Great War a need for defense at US Bases became apparent, “Operation Desert Shield” was enacted until UAF and NFC allies would finally end their assaults.

August 10th-October 15th “The Great Depression”- After much thought Gmf23’s term finally ends and Willum36 is elected as the new President. During this time the United States lost 3000 members due to increasing inactivity. Willum was forced to shut down congress and other unneeded organizations in an effort to save the US from collapse. However his attempts fail and the US loses another 3000 members by the end of August. By this time Willum retires and Jamesclements is elected as the new President. During September james tries to continue growth and rebuild however because of lack of support from Willum the US drops to below 1000 members. Hard times ensue as the US slowly falls from its once former self. At one point the US only had 3 active groups and a single war zone. The former United Nations was taken over by Italy and forced into a dictatorship and clans across roblox fell into conflict. Then on September 29th Gmf creates a new account Gmf34 and comes back to roblox to help. Because of this several old USM supporters return as well. With all of the former people, the US slowly regains close to 2000 members and Willum returns all groups back to Gmf34. The “Reorganization Doctrine” Is proposed, and Gmf34 is elected President once more. With stable leaders back in the clan the US rebuilds itself and slowly gains its citizens and soldiers back. By the middle of October all former places,forts, war zones,cities,groups and majority of the people had returned. Along with this a new United Nations is founded.

November 12th- Congress and other Departments are reopened, US members now back to nearly 8000

December 1st-12th(2012) Members of Johns Cobras and Several Soviet based clans invade the United States recently built city, New York. The United States declares war on JC and sends in forces in “Operation Punisher”. US Forces win a large chunk of raids and beat JC back until JC formally requests an end to the conflict. This resulted in the US becoming allies with USSF and several other super clans who supported Operation Punisher.

December 15th (2012) - Italian, Somalia, and several terrorist linked organizations threaten and attack US bases and cities.

January 3rd-February 29th(2013)-“Operation Cherokee”, Terrorist linked networks working with Somalia wage a full scale insurgency on the USM and its allies. The United States without knowing who to attack sparks Operation Cherokee, working with elements of SOCOM and USM Conventional forces on raids abroad and defensive measures at home. Eventually most terror linked groups fade away.

March 18th-April 20th(2013) “Operation Viking”- ITA,Cuba,CCCP,Mexico all part of a major coalition consider USM a very great threat to their dictator and utilitarian form of Government. The United States decide after being raided by these clans many times to enact Operation Viking. The First few days of it marked several USM victories kicking Cuba and CCCP out of the war. Now ITA and Mexico were the last targets and the rest of the conflict started to subside quickly. eventually Mexico having internal issues backed out leaving ITA alone. ITA not being able to continue met with USM for a peace treaty thus ending the conflict.

May 1st-24th(2013)-“Operation Savior”- USSF,USM and many other smaller allies are considered “Internal war” by ITA. ITA Forces with only under 1000 Military members decide to take on both USSF and USM with well over 60,000 Soldiers. USSF and USM with some of the most advanced training and equipment on roblox simply hold their bases and do not take ITA seriously. ITA however finds a weak point in both USM and USSF by invading their smaller allies. USM and USSF enraged decide to invade ITA causing a flood of server raids on ITA. Soon ITA decides to back off of USM and USSF’s allies and since have simple been in a state of aggression between each other but not full out war. ITA can be connected to North Korea in a way.

June 15th-26th(2013)- “Operation Revelation”- After countless diplomatic talks Pakistan finally refused to agree to anything anymore. Pakistan declared war on the entire European Union, NATO, Majority of the UN, and both USSF and USM. The Allies being NATO/UN/EU request USM assistance in the conflict. US Forces quickly sweep Pakistan clean in a matter of a week and Pakistan eventually surrenders the group to the UK. However their former leader came back shortly after the surrender and has as of now tried to re spark the war.

June 20th(2013)- Moolah60 gains ownership of the United States of America group after Night reportedly tried to download non-roblox allowed content. Gmf34 becomes President of the group and it expands rapidly. Even with great success much back lash was felt considering Night the former owner wanted the group back. This would cause major conflict in the months to come.

June 29th-July 12th(2013)- “Operation Tomahawk”- In immediate fallout of the Pakistan victory ITA declared eternal war on the United States and several other NATO and EU allies. US Forces responded with Special Forces and many conventional units to try and cease hostilities. However it was clear even with many victories against them, ITA would continue to fight for no apparent reason other than publicity. The US ended Operation Tomahawk and has been in a guarded stance with ITA since the end of this Operation. No major new operations are planned.

July 5th-August 9th(2013)- “Operation Crusade”- On July 1st, Because of countless attacks from the USSF an ally of the US. The United States officially removed the USSF from its allies list for its atrocities to the alliance. On top of this exploiting was rampant and USSF blamed the US for several models stolen, even though the US was not involved. The USSF took this as an act of war and deployed hostiles forces onto US bases. The US responded by standing its ground and holding off all USSF attacks. By July 10th the USSF had rallied support from the RA and Team Domino, now well over 100,000 Soldiers were engaging US forces in the conflict. This marks the largest conflict the US has ever engaged in. Soon the US would gather its own support from FEAR, and many EU and NATO nations to help continue the fight. Majority of the conflict were US victories because of the massive wave attacks by the USSF, the RA however held stiff resistance but in the end became just as desperate as the USSF. Very few raids were reported from Team Domino, and Vortex Security nearly got involved as well. Fortunately after nearly a month of conflict the US and USSF finally came to terms and ended the conflict with a peace treaty. Shortly after this RA agreed to peace to.

August 11 2013- After calling Administrators and threatening to take legal action Night was given back ownership of the United States of America group. Out of pure rage he kicked nearly 3000 staff, military, and government members for being “traitors” to his former administration. Ever since this has happened the old US group has been in deplorable condition. Considering the Military, 90% of the Government and many of its members fled the group to a newly founded USA. It has been told Night continues to use games passes to expand his hat collection. As of now the old USA is currently losing members and the government continues to become less effective as more leave for the new USA.

October 14th-20th 2013 (Operation Gothic Cobra)- After requests from Canadian officials, the United States intervened in an escalating crisis between Ukraine and Serbian forces backed by ITA who had been harassing Canadian troops at their war zones. The small conflict did not last long due to the small size of the Ukrainian and Serbian forces. The highlight of the Conflict was 75th Rangers assault on Ft. Rkada which ended in the death of Ukrainian President SpecialLegacy. Finally ended when Canada and Ukraine declared a cease fire.

October 21st-November 17th 2013 (Operation Rolling Thunder)- In response to Italian cooperation with Ukraine in their conflict with Canada, the United States launched Rolling Thunder hoping to thwart Italian capabilities with other hostile EU nations. US forces initially hit hard resistance in the first couple days of the conflict due to lack of training with Italian weapons. Gradually however US Forces gained the upper hand after a week or two of fighting. The Operation turned into a stalemate between the two forces and continued to escalate. ITA slowly started to see an uprising of insurgency within their Police and Military forces whose loyalties started to change away from ITA. CIA and SOF forces worked with these anti-ITA forces to fight ITA Police and Military within their Capitol of Rome and City of Venice. Unfortunately many civilians were targeted by the Anti-ITA forces however the pressure was clearly felt by the Italian Regime and soon a cease fire was requested by RA(Italians Ally at the time) and ITA. For about a week the war was stagnate with no attacks on either side. However after several attacks by insurgents on ITA the Italian Government finally caved and broke the case fire. US Forces having signed the cease fire closed negotiations and have been on alert since.

Jan 10 2017 (Operation Prime Chance) - Former USM veteran AlaskanReality rejoins the USM community, only to find it has degraded greatly. He works with gmf34 to launch Operation Prime Chance, where the USM reformed its ranked structured, prioritized activity and growth, and came about acquiring a new USM group to work with, taking the USM from a measly 600 members to 900 within the week, and from 900 to 26k with the help of the acquisition of StickyTowel’s USM.

November 5 2017 (Egyptian Armed Forces War) - AlaskanReality, and many other original USM members, dissatisfied with the nepotism, corruption, and inactivity of the USM, split off and began their own community, the Egyptian Armed Forces. Gmf34, seeing this as a move to weaken the USM, assembled a coalition of over 300k players, to include Marcuses British Army, and the Roblox Infantry Corps (RIC), the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). EAF’s measly 300 people managed to not only fend off the coalition, but earned the partnership of all 3 of the USM’s previous allies after repelling repeated attacks on the famed Zamalek Province and turning the tide of the war with over 18 raid wins on the USM’s home turf. The USM signed it’s first formal declaration of defeat during the Zamalek Accords of Jan 8 2018.

20 August - 20 October 2022 (Operation Arcadian Flame) - The original Owner of the USMG, Gmf23, formed his own community in the wake of the EAF War and the follow on dissolution of the USMG. The group, known as “The Republic of Arcadia”, was a hyper-nationalistic vision of Robloxia manifested in one small community comprised of USMG veterans, one that the USMG at the time could not manifest. The group unfortunately, fell prey to the same toxicity that brought down the original USM, and eventually resorted to attacking the only other community comprised of primarily USMG veterans, AlaskanReality’s USMG. The USMG mobilized the newly formed Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) and U.S. Army 4th Psychological Operations Group to systematically dismantle Arcadia and cease their negative influence on the platform, effectively cutting them out of not just the Modern Military Community, but Robloxia as a whole. Thanks to the efforts of SOCOM, 12 of the largest communities on Roblox, making up over 200,000 Roblox members combined, would go on to eventually implement and enforce the blacklist on Arcadia, removing it from the Modern Military community.

November 21 2022-January 16 2023 (Operation Paladin) - Under the leadership of CiC AlaskanReality, the USMG implemented a series of sweeping and revolutionary changes. All individual training command groups were decommissioned, in favor of a centralized entity, dating back to 2017 (Joint Training Command). Many processes were streamlined and the respective law enforcement entities of each branch were all centralized under the Joint Law Command. In this era, the USMG amassed over 33,000 members in its main group, and over 1 million place visits in all of its games combined.

January 17th-November 20 2023 (Operation Whirlwind) - Operation Whirlwind introduced a remastered Kunar Province, a classic USMG map, in addition to a general lull in activity and progress as momentum and growth was lost. Despite this, the USMG found ways to stay afloat during this slow time, ensuring that what remained of the community grew stronger, laying in wait for the eventual resurgence of the USMG.