The Hunt: Mega edition / 8th mega token bug. cannot obtain

Inside of “A Dusty Trip” I cannot get the 8th token because the game renders me “unworthy” despite me being the only person in the lobby (I have tried playing with other people, didn’t work) so now I cannot continue the event despite me having the previous 7 mega tokens. I have checked twice that I do in fact possess the 7 previous tokens.

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This is not a bug with the hub itself, it’s a bug with a game participating in the event. This report will not be addressed in any capacity because Roblox engineers cannot fix this issue, the onus is on the game’s developers to do so. I recommend you make a post in their Discord server or whichever bug reporting avenues they have open to have this addressed.


I get confused with what the roblox forums are for sometimes. Thanks for the quick feedback and I will get to their discord server.

Update: They have a Guilded but the last announcement they made was a year ago and they do not seem to have really ANY outlet for bug reports. Guess i’m screwed.


They have a discord and from what I can read on the comments and such, the problem with the 8th mega token is complained about a lot. They just made an update, I guess try it again to see if they fixed it or not? :pensive:


Do you have the Tile Zone badge, need to go into the black tile obby in the area for it to be granted, then you can actually get the token to spawn in dusty trip


You also need zero world’s mega badge

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I absolutely hate how this was implemented : D Thanks, man.