So for this example, imma use the golden bunny ears, in the UI it says the price will be “9,999” Robux but when prompted it just shows a place holder product:
This seems to be one of the only assets with the wrong price. I highly doubt that the price is suppose to show “9,999” because this doesn’t even make sense compared to the gold track pass. I don’t know if other mega track items got this issue because i haven’t unlocked it yet
When using extensions, it seems like all assets were suppose to cost around 100 robux:
Bugs related to events also get handeled on the devforum:
And yes they updated the place itself not the website. Unless roblox staff themselves say to not report them on the devforum despite them telling to report any issues then it shouldn’t be a issue as this is a bug reporting place even if the page says a different place. In my opinion, if we aren’t allowed to report event bugs then we would’ve been told