- When you join, you get frozen in a spectating mode, requiring you to rejoin.
- Some portals (Chained, maybe more) just don’t teleport you.
- The counter is wrong, and says it has a day left, and it doesn’t count.
- The leaderboard is broken.
- Tokens collected don’t log in the lobby, making it impossible.
- The Help Button in the lobby does nothing.
- The Blanc Knowledge Visor doesn’t work as it should, and is a face (not accessory.)
Blanc Knowledge Visor uploaded as a Face instead of Face Accessory, now broken - #5 by GaelPaws - Some users are randomly banned from SpongeBob Tower Defense, and get randomly unbanned. A friend of mine kept being auto kicked and then when he tried again, he could join.
- The Description of Natural Disaster Survival claims you need to win 4 rounds, when you only need to win 3.
- The token claim in IT Girl doesn’t work.
I’m not the mentioned person, but I encountered the broken camera, and also encountered the help button in the grid menu doing absolutely nothing (then I gave up and concluded that the event was already unsalvageable)
It’s very annoying their big event seems not to have been tested like at all.
They were working on this for months if the Winter Spotlight announcement is true.
It also released at 4:00, California time, so toward the end of the work day, making most bugs being fixed either overtime or wait till tommorow? Why?
Everyone is an anon. Even the leaderboard hides the names. This is stop harassment of victors.
I don’t know if this is my extensions or not but now every game just says “Website” on it
Gonna check later and maybe submit it as a seperate bug
They said in December, the Winter Spotlight, a game whose lobby had iceskating, several areas, and 3 item events for NYE, Christmas and another day I forgot. That the event in December was a mini event while they worked on the main course.
Yet that event has way more content than this which was like 4 months in the making?
Can someone explain how the token system works? I did a simply quest in “Eat the World” but when I went back to the Event, it doesn’t show that I completed it? I tried leaving and rejoining, but still nothing? I went back into “Eat the World” and it still knows I completed the quest? Am I missing something here?
The item is in the giant noobs hand, you have to collect it but it doesn’t tell you. That game was actually on the list of glitches until I spoke to a friend about it, and he instructed me.
Oh, then the same thing is in the blade ball, I did the quest and well, didn’t know what to do afterwards to collect it, no instructions, etc.
That worked, got my token. I mixed up the name, it was Blade League that seems to have an issue now, no one can claim the token after completing the two quest in the event list. All you see in chat is angry players asking how to claim it.
[extra edit] In Blade League, it just gives it to you, no token to collect, which was confusing, lol.
you need to go onto the noob’s hand and touch the token
Can a staff member look into this?
This is an on going event with some major problems.
This is not a bug report for using the Roblox application through mobile, desktop, console, and website.
I understand that these problems you are facing are annoying and frustrating, but bugs related to platform events (or “Roblox Events”, if you prefer calling in this way) are meant to be reported using Roblox Support. You can see this information here:
This post will likely be closed as a result…
I agree, but I made this post within the first 30ish minutes hoping for a quick fix, since support can take hours-days.
If it’s closed, I don’t mind.
This is not a bug.
Prevents snipers and to make it anonymous