The Image labels keep resetting

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want my GUI to work normally, and want them to be at the absolute size.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    whenever I make GUI visible again after restarting the studio the image labels keep resetting and they come back to their original position when I interact with the GUI

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I’ve tried looking up the solution on google but I don’t find anything related I am using Size scaling and position, I also tried adding and removing UI aspect ratio constraint, I have also tried enabling and disabling IgnoreGuiilnset but still, nothing seems to work.

Any feedback and help related to the matter will be really appreciated thank you.

This is due to the UI not caching correctly, its a current Roblox bug. I’d recommend reporting it, I’ve tried but nothing has happened so far.

from the ScreenGui API:

Caching static UI for performance improvements

A Gui’s appearance is cached until one of the following events occurs:

  • A descendant is added to the Gui.
  • A descendant is removed from the Gui.
  • A property of a descendant of the Gui changes.
  • A property of the Gui changes.

If any of these events occur, the Gui’s appearance will be recomputed the next frame it gets rendered.

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I see, thank you for your reply.

would there be an alternative to fix this issue or would I have to wait until roblox fixes this bug?

It should be that when you change the lowest descendant of the ScreenGui it would fix it, but it doesn’t end up working for me, so its probably something you need to wait until Roblox fixes.

So using scrolling GUI would register as a change in property? Because I am not manually changing any property except for visibility of the GUI and it seems to fix itself after the usage of scrolling GUI.

It seems like only some properties that you can’t change without a hacky solution work, however its not only a Studio bug, but it also happens on the Roblox client, where you can’t really change the properties without a script. Pretty much any resolution besides the one you created the UI in will be affected, it makes mobile games sometimes unplayable.

My apologies I don’t understand this line,

though if I had to report this bug would it be possible to use this post to report the bugs? I am new to devforum so I am unaware of its features.
Thank you for your reply.

Try messaging @Bug-Support with some edits to this post and it’d be fine.

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