The Images of Every Badge are Breaking HTML Layout

Issue Description

While I was navigating through Roblox experiences, I noticed a bug within the HTML layout in the Badges section. Previously, @bvetterdays made a bug report stating that this would be happening to moderated images, and it was fixed. However, this bug returned and is occurring in every image.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open the Roblox website on any software.
  2. Find an experience that contains badges. In this report, I chose Fisch.
  3. Observe the images in the Badges section.

Expected behavior

I expected that every image should be formatted properly.

Actual Behavior

After looking at the Inspect Element mode, I noticed the settings are misconfigured, making it large.

Visual Aids:

A private message is associated with this bug report


Mentioning @LLOR3NZ because they were the ones that addressed from a topic that had the same issue:


:sob::sob: Feel bad for the engineer, they’ve had to roll this back once already due to a bug the fix caused with an extension.

This is definitely a browser specific issue though, I can’t reproduce it. Can you provide details about your browser?

Presuming the change will be rolled back again and hopefully they can fix this :sob: turned into a much larger effort than originally expected


Well, since you cannot reproduce on your end, that’s pretty much odd… But, don’t worry, though, I sent my browser information in a PM linked in this post! :grin:


You should invite the engineer to the PM as they’re not in the bug-files group from what I can see :+1:


Added them. Thank you for telling me that!

Hopefully, they can respond and address this issue! :pray:


I can’t reproduce this issue either, do you think it’s caused by an extension?

im playing fisch rn so that’s a convenient choice


True, this is very likely. Roblox already rolled this back for one extension and I think there needs to be a point where they stop making these changes compatible with every extension. It should be the extension developers’ responsibility to update their own code to stop messing with the HTML here. CC @LLOR3NZ (just some feedback)

If Roblox was to accomodate every single extension in every one of their website updates/changes, this would delay their development by weeks if not months. It just doesn’t seem very feasible to me, although I very much appreciate the consideration of extension users :sweat_smile:


I mean, it can be annoying if roblox updates and an extension is broken for 3 days

Most extenesions give functionalities that should be on the website by default but aren’t, for example, the ability to save custom skintones.

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Yes, of course, but for tiny changes like this that have little to no user-facing impact it’s really not worth it when the extension developers can easily push an update to the code to adapt to the changes. Should be considered on a case-by-case basis IMO.


I agree that it should be case-by-case basis, and it’s honestly a blessing they are supporting extention creators at all in the first place.

The biggest thing I wanted to say is, I don’t believe extension creators will know when Roblox does a silent update like this, resulting in them not updating the extension for a while. This will actively harm extension users, so I see why it is done.

Now that I think of it, this may be a bug since they released a custom character skintone selector into the website already. Might make a report on this.

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Thanks for reporting this!

To weigh in on the conversation - it is definitely tricky from the engineering side since we can’t accommodate how our changes will interact with every extension.

With that said, I’ll make sure I get this resolved for (hopefully) all major affected extensions as soon as I can!

Hopefully in the future we’ll have a pipeline that opens the communication channel between us and our extension creators whenever we make these sorts of breaking frontend changes :slightly_smiling_face:


wow i had this issue too before it just fixed itself randomly

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I’m happy to say that we have figured out the issue! The BTRoblox developer had made a change that should allow the badge icons to display properly. While this change was already live in BTRoblox on the Chrome Web Store, it is not yet on the Firefox extension as they have a longer review process. The change should be live (hopefully) within 3-4 days, and this issue should resolve itself :grin:

Sorry for the inconvenience until then, and thank you all for your patience!


@JuanGamerPlayz_RBLX The extension should now be fixed on Firefox! If you are still having issues on your end, please let me know. Otherwise, I am going to go ahead and close this bug report. Thanks again for your patience!


Hey @LLOR3NZ! How are you? Happy Monday!

I was waiting for your message to be displayed as 4/5 days ago to wait for anything new patiently. Unfortunately, the problem still remains and I can still see it:

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Happy Monday! I’m doing well, thanks for asking.

So sorry you’re still seeing it - could you do me a favor and go into the settings of your BTRoblox Extension on Firefox? Check if the Last Updated says December 9 - otherwise you may need to reset firefox / reinstall the extension.


Thank you for the reply!

I did your favor and I noticed that the Last Update was displaying “November 28, 2024”:

With that in mind, I decided to reinstall… And, now, it is working:


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Great! Sorry for your troubles and glad it got fixed :smile:


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