The Inquisition {Full Game} Testing

So, I made The Inquisition out for the public to get your responses on how to make the game better and more spooky. This part of the game is one of the places you can explore and is surrounded with objects that will get in your way. Make sure to observe your surroundings to get clues on what the story of the game is about. (Also, if you die in the game then you get kicked.)


Good Luck :roblox: Developers

Please provide feedback on how I can improve my game! (Screenshots would help as well!)

{This post was made on my birthday.}

If you want to see screenshots of the game go here: The Inquisitions {Full Game} | Screenshots #2 - #2 by AlexAecid


I am currently testing the game out but im stuck. i have some feedback so far which is to increase the sensitivity, for some reason it feels so low and add shadow map lighting as better lighting can make the game scarier.

also please tell me where to go to get into the guys office

There should be a window pane that is gone here:

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yea i eventually found it after awhile my last bit of feedback would not have that monster attack you in the elevator (unless its the end and your supposed to die)

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Yea that’s where I left it off at.

So first, happy birthday @jennygrandma.

What I would add or change…

  1. I would add a Help Gui that explains the controls and such, it would be good for reference in the future. [Such as hitting E to pick up items.
  2. I would add more the the game, I got to the elevator and got killed by the monster. More addition to the game would be neat.
  3. I would move the The door is locked gui above the main instructions gui as they tend to overlap and make it impossible to read.
  4. Give a bit more depth to the story. Add more storylines to it or make the story longer at the least.
  5. A issue I had with the current controls is when you hit sprint, you don’t change from crouch/crawling to standing which I think should be changed so that way people can run if they please. If they do it in a space where they aren’t supposed to… they could get stuck and eliminated. If not that then if possible, I would make it so if you hit the shift key while crouched, you automatically get put into the standing position and then start running instantly.
  6. I would change the run speed for crawling/crouching/standing. If you keep these, I would change the speed for the particular reason of realism. Realistically, you won’t run as fast as when you’re standing when your crawling or crouching.
  7. I would add a thumbnail to the place itself because right now, it’s just the default ROBLOX place image and that kind of ruins the mood of the game.
  8. Just so you know, it is very easy to trap the final boss. Just sayin… lol

Otherwise, this game is quite impressive… good job!
I hope your birthday goes well, I hope my suggestions help you with your game.

On a final note, I felt the game although it was good… it was way too short and that isn’t going to do well on the site as a game in whole. I would definitely add a bunch more story to the game.


Try adding spiderwebs and smashed glass on the ground from the window. Also you could make everything very dark that you can not see anything and make everyone have a lighter or match.