The Inquisition | Horror Game Feedback

Hello again!

I would like feedback on my new horror game demo called “The Inquisition”. The Inquisition is a horror game inspired by the game “Outlast”. It has a few bugs that you could expect and is still being updated. The full game will be 100% better than this demo and will have a decent amount of jumpscares and better animations. For the demo version I would like feedback about how you like the game and on how to improve the game and change a few stuff. I will also let you know that I used some models from other people which I give credit to the people who made them. I made some of the scripts even though i’m not good at scripting and built the design of the whole map. Thank you for reading this so you know a bit about the game. (I will respond most of your replies that you make.)

Good Luck :roblox: Developers.



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Also send screenshots to report bugs!

Okay I fixed it, you should be able to play now.

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Ok, so when I played there were some things that makes this game less appealing to me as a horror game creator and part time author. Here are my thoughts take them as you wish.

Map Quality
No offense it was just dark and gory and not so great of textures. Maybe trying make it more inclosed like smaller areas and using R15 for more advanced NPCs.

How To Scare or Create Stress
Add cut sense that add a quick shrill sound and something flash by hardly quick enough to tell what it was. That creates stress by letting the player know there is a threat but not aware of what type. Maybe have a crack in the wall and when the player looks through a NPC jumps to the hole in the wall screaming for your help.

  • Please keep in mind if you don’t execute this properly you might have action taken against your account for not being kid friendly. I’m not responsible for anything that happens if you wish to use any of my ideas or alter them.
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So to make it more scary, I’d recommend adding custom footstep sounds to your character, a long with creepy sound effects throughout the map, maybe an eventual wood creak to make the game more intense and heart pounding. Another few ideas, are to make the lights flicker creating a more scary environment for the players. So whenever your NPC look a like wearing a prison jumpsuit comes out of the corner, you make it to where instead of that happening. The NPC peaks their head out at the player, and it waits for the player to get closer then runs away, then continues to peak out their head. Ending up trapping the player in a room to kill him. Also add cutscenes, and maybe even make a backstory to the game.

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Thank you for your feedback I will add these too the game.

Thank you for the feedback! I will make the game more bright so the player can be able to really see things. I will also try making jumpscares through walls.

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Yeah a good example of jump scares would be that universal groups haunted houses. They have a pretty cool system.

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