The Jedi Order | Clone Army Guide

TJO | The Clone Army

The Clone Army is a Roblox group that is lead by a Supreme Commander, under this current Commander’s direction The Clone Army has had many victories for the Republic and will continue to have many more.

Clone Discord code: Bey2SyT

Updated 7/23/18 by ZhaoDan, Akjosh and S.C. Aradinel

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • General Rules

  • Case Studies

  • Event types

  • Approvals

Ranking Guide

  • Pledged Clone

  • Trooper

  • Lance Corporal

  • Corporal

  • Sergeant

  • Staff Sergeant

  • Sergeant Major

  • Company Sergeant Major

  • Retired

  • Second Lieutenant

  • Lieutenant

  • Captain

  • Major

  • Colonel

  • Royalty

  • Field Commander

  • Field Marshal

  • Supreme Commander

  • The Force

Study Guide

  • Faces

  • Formations

Division Guide

Admin Guide



Welcome to The Clone Army (TCA) lead by Aradinel. We are a division of The Jedi Order lead by Askavix. The Clone Army was forged by Askavix on the 10th of July 2017. While The Jedi Order focuses on the use of Sabers, we at TCA focus on primarily on guns. We have grown to include many sub-divisions under the direction of our Supreme Commander including the Elite Class of ARC. Below you will find all the information you need on TCA. If you have any questions contact an Officer.

General Rules

  • Do not wear division morphs or uniforms if you are not in that division and the rank that you are wearing.
  • Usage of sabers while on the Clone team for any reason other than duels is not allowed, no matter what rank the user is.
  • Using the force with blasters is prohibited and punishable.
  • You can only be in one Primary division.(501st, 212th, 187th, 104th, 41st, 21st) You can be in all the secondaries. (ARC, GC)
  • Be respectful to everyone inside the group and ingroup game servers. This applies to hostiles, allies, visitors, all members. (Don’t be Toxic)
  • Hostiles are kill-on-sight (KoS) unless they are in their own spawn area. Do not harm them in their spawn as that is spawn-killing. Their spawn-zone is indicated by a line on the map.
  • Visitors are considered protected from violence. The Clone Army members are not permitted to harm Visitors unless attacked by a Visitor. TCA members are expected to defend Visitors from Raiders.
  • Exploiting, flaming, glitching, spamming, advertising (non-TCA stuff), or other malicious behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Swearing or discrimination towards any other based on their race, gender, orientation, or belief system will not be tolerated.
  • Do not attack or kill Temple Guard, as their function is similar to military police, they are enforce the law. If you have any kind of issues with them please talk to a high ranking Clone or Jedi first.
  • The orders given by a Temple Guard or a high rank are to be non-negotiable and must be followed. Unless that order directly contradicts TCA/TJO rules or contradicts what an equal or higher HR has stated, that order should be followed.
  • While using blasters on a TJO map you can not utilize the force (force push, grab, rage etc.)
  • If you are late to any kind of official group event, ask for permission to fall in, or permission to guard.
    ex: “Permission to fall in, Marshal Commander?” “Permission to Guard, Marshal Commander?”
  • Refunds for game passes will only occur if the game pass in question is malfunctioning or is broken. Refunds may be given at the discretion of the High Command or Aradinel, no promises are made and all refunds are at the discretion of Aradinel
  • Using the @ everyone function in the discord or spam @ mentioning individuals is harassment and will not be tolerated. Racism, sexism, discrimination, spamming, advertising, exploiting, will not be tolerated in the discord either.
  • If you see anyone breaking these rules contact a Second Lieutenant + with evidence.
  • The violation of any of the above rules can result in any combination of the following consequences: Warning, Probation (wait times), Kicks or Bans (temporary) from TCA servers, Demotion, Multiple-Demotions, Blacklist (from divisions), or Exile.

Case Studies

Case Studies are 3-5 sentences on anything Clone Wars related. Here is an Example:

Advanced Recon Commandos. These are the Elite Division of The Clone Army during the Republic Clone Wars era. They were handpicked from their own or Jedi Generals when seen to be above the regular Clone Trooper. Because of this they were sent on mission that were too difficult for other Clones. Arc Troopers wore an experimental version of Phase II clone trooper armor. Phase II armor was equipped with many devices and had increased armor and specialized helmets. Famous ARC Troopers are Echo and Fives.
Note This Case Study is invalid.

Event types

Clone Trainings

Clone Trainings involve but are not limited to: Faces, formations and dueling. You are expected to remain silent when PTS (Permission to speak) is in effect. STS (Shoulder to Shoulder) should be 1 stud apart. SFL (Single file line) should also be 1 stud apart. The trainer/host has the right to dismiss anyone. This can include HRs if they are just messing around.


Approvals are EARNED, by earning the respect and approval of High Ranking Members.
Whether this means seeing them in-game often as you do your job or working alongside them in day-to-day operations varies. However approvals should never be given to people that aren’t familiar with each other (new acquaintances). You must record your approvals. That means take screenshots, use your computer’s system or Lightshot, or Gyazo. You need to get the person approving you name, the date, and what they are approving you for in the screenshot.
Approvals expire after two weeks. Re-request them to get them renewed.

Example: I, Major DoinkyAlex, approve Pledged Clone ZhaoDan for the rank of Trooper 6/17/18

The Clone Army Ranking Guide

This document outlines the expectations and requirements of each rank in TJO | The Clone Army

  • Promotions are given when the requirements for a rank are reached. Some promotions require approvals and some have training requirements.
  • Lying or falsifying information in order to bypass requirements for ranks will result in harsh penalties.
  • Attending events will not simply get you a promotion. You must complete the entire event to the satisfaction of the Host and they must select you for promotion. In order to help yourself in your efforts, record your promotions with screenshots or other forms of hard evidence (like video).
  • All promotions are sent to a promotions request channel where they are processed by HRs who authorize and confirm the legitimacy of each promotion [THIS TAKES TIME, BE PATIENT].
  • Sometimes promotions are denied for failing to meet requirements such as above.
  • Sometimes promotions are lost, due to a non-perfect system.
  • Take screenshots of the host selecting you for promotion in order to prove you earned it in the event that your promotion request is lost somehow.
  • NOTE: ONLY ONE PROMOTION PER DAY. Violations of this rule results in forfeiture of additional promotions.

-Pledged Clone- {Shinnies}

Description: Pledged Clones are Troopers in training. They are also known as “Shinnies” since their armor is still new.
Requirements: Join The Clone Army.

-Trooper- {Shinnies}

Description: Troopers are Pledged Clones that have gone through their basic trainings. They are always ready for battle.
Requirements: Completed 2 trainings as Pledged Clone OR Purchase the Clone uniform.

-Lance Corporal- {LR}

Description: Lance Corporals are Troopers that have a small amount of battle experience.
Requirements: Passed 5 Trainings as a Trooper. Must be a Trooper for 3 days. Obtain 1 Captain+ approval. Proof required.

-Corporal- {LR}
Description: Corporals are Troopers that have battle experience. These are the ones Troopers look to for guidance.
Requirements: Passed 5 Trainings as a Lance Corporal. Must be Lance Corporal for 5 days. Obtain 2 Captain+ approval. Proof required.

-Sergeant- {MR}

Description: Sergeants are the envy of the Clone Army. Corporals want to be them and Troopers look to them for orders, they can Co-host trainings for approvals.
Requirements: Passed 5 Trainings as a Corporal. Must be a Corporal for 7 days. Obtain 3 Captain + approvals approval. Proof required.

-Staff Sergeant- {MR}

Description: Staff Sergeants are a step up from Sergeants and are able to give orders to all lower ranks, they can Co-host trainings only for approvals.
Requirements: Obtain 2 Captain+ and 1 Major + approvals. Must have been Sergeant for 9 days. Passed 2 Combat type trainings(Raid training, Combat training) and 2 regular trainings (Faces and formations). Proof required.

-Sergeant Major- {ADV}

Description: Sergeant Majors are Officers in training. They can Co-Host Trainings. They are Clones training to lead.
Requirements: Obtain 2 Major + approvals. Must have been Staff Sergeant for 10 days, Write 2 Case Studies about the Clone Wars. Proof required.

-Company Sergeant Major- {ADV}

Description: Company Sergeant Majors are Sergeant Majors capable of leading the Troopers during small battles.
Requirements: Obtain 2 Major + 1 Captain+ approval. Must have been a Sergeant Major for 10 days. Co-host 3 trainings as a Sergeant Major. Proof required.

-Retired- -{Retired}

Description: Retired from TCA and in good standing with High Command.
Requirements: Approval from High Command.

-Second Lieutenant- {ADV}

Description: Second Lieutenants are Lieutenants in trainings, they can host trainings but they must have a supervisor (Captain+) with them during the entire training.
Requirements: 3 Major + approvals. Co-Host 3 Trainings as a Company Sergeant Major. Must have been a Company Sergeant Major for 2 weeks. Answer any 3 questions about the Clone Wars. Discord required

-Lieutenant- {HR}

Description: Lieutenants are the first Officers of The Clone Army. They perform most of the trainings of Army.
Requirements: 2 Major + and 1 Marshal Commander + approvals. Host 3 Trainings to supervisors satisfaction. Must have been a Second Lieutenant for 16 days. Must average supervisor score of above 7.5/10. Proof required. Discord required.

-Captain- {HR}

Description: Captains are leaders of Clones. They lead most of the battles on the ground.
Requirements: 2 Major + approvals and Supreme Commander approval. Must have been Lieutenant for 3 weeks. Proven to handle Clone issues that arise. Discord required

-Major- {High Command}

Description: Majors are Captains that have proven themselves able to handle the bigger picture. They are experts in leadership.
Requirements: Must have been a Captain for 3 weeks. Supreme Commander approval. Discord required.

-Colonel- {High Command}

Description: Colonels are the eyes and ears of the Supreme Commander. They are well known to the entire Army.
Requirements: Supreme Commander approval. Discord required


Description: Royalty are those honored by the S. Commander. They have put in the work and are retired.
Requirements: S. Commander approval.

-Field Commander- {High Command}

Description: Field Commanders help out the lower ranked Officers and relay important information to the Supreme Commander. They are well known to all the Officers in the Clone Army, they are also known to be the third and fourth in command of the clone army.
Requirements: Supreme Commander approval. Discord required

-Field Marshal- {High Command}

Description: A Grand Marshal handles anything the S.Commander needs, as well as being the developer and being second in command.
Requirements: Supreme Commander approval. Discord required

-Supreme Commander- {Leader}

Description: The head of The Clone Army under Askavix himself.
Requirements: The Force itself wills him/her into this position.

-The Force-

Description: The owner of The Jedi Order, Askavix, who is the benevolent creator of TJO.
Requirements: Be Askavix

Study Guide

- Faces -

Grammar always counts.
Exclamation (!) or period (.) are the only acceptable endings.

Approved faces:

Left face. - Turn to your left 90 degrees .-
Left incline. - Turn to your left 45 degrees .-
Right face. - Turn to your right 90 degrees. -
Right incline. - Turn to your right 45 degrees. -
About face. - Turn to your left or right 180 degrees. -
Center face. _- Face the host’s direction. - (Can also say “Centre face”)
Control face. - Continually face the host’s direction - Only Center face and Lock face can stop this command.
Lock face. - Stop in your current position and do not move. - Only Center face can stop this command. (Can also say “Lock.”)

- Formations -

Grammar always counts.
Exclamation (!) or period (.) are the only acceptable endings.

Approved Formations:

Wedge. Make a /\ shape behind the host. (Can also say “Wedge on me.”)
Alpha. Make a /\ shape behind the host. Crouch down with a gun out. (Can also say “Alpha formation.”)
Left wing. Line up behind the host at a 45 degree angle to each other on the left side. (Can also say “Left echelon.”)
Right wing. Line up behind the host at a 45 degree angle to each other on the right side (Can also say “Right echelon.”)
Box. Make a tight box facing outwards around the host. (Can also say “Box formation.”)
STS. Make a line in front of the host. 1 Stud apart from each other. (Can also say “Shoulder to Shoulder.”)
SFL. Make a line directly behind the host. 1 Stud apart from each other. (Can also say “Single file line.”)

Division Guide

*Please note you may be one Primary division at a time but you can be in both Secondary divisions at the same time. This means you can be in one Primary and both Secondary divisions at the same time.

- Primary Divisions -

The Clone Army | 501st Legion
Groups - Roblox

The Clone Army | 501st Legion also known as the 501st or 501st Battalion during the Clone Wars and later known as “Vader’s Fist” and the Five Hundred and First, was a brigade-sized Legion of elite clone troopers that was secretly commissioned by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the Clone Wars, lead by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex.

The Clone Army | 212th Attack Battalion
The Clone Army | 212th Attack Battalionㅤㅤㅤ - Roblox

The Clone Army | 212th Attack Battalion was a well-known Grand Army unit of clone troopers under the leadership of Clone Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The Clone Army | The 187th Legion
The Clone Army | The 187th Legion - Roblox

The Clone Army | The 187th Legion legion of clone troopers that served under the command of Jedi Master and High General Mace Windu. They were distinguished by the purple markings on their armor, signifying the color of Windu’s lightsaber.

The Clone Army | 104 Legion
The Clone Army | 104th Legion - Roblox

The Clone Army | 104 Legion also known as the “Wolf Pack” Battalion, was a clone trooper military unit of the Grand Army of the Republic. Throughout the Clone Wars, the 104th served under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon.

The Clone Army | 41st Legion
The Clone Army | 41st Legion - Roblox

The Clone Army | 41st Legion was a legion of clones in the Grand Army of the Republic, composed of many variants of troopers, including AT-RT drivers, clone scout troopers and BARC troopers. Their legion color was alternately gray or marked with green camouflage.

The Clone Army | 21st Legion
The Clone Army | 21st Legion - Roblox

The Clone Army | 21st Legion unit or battalion of Clone Troopers led by Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi.
Their main Clone Officer originally was Commander Jet who had the position of an Elite Clone Officer, while Bacara was serving under him as his command as an officer.

- Secondary Divisions -

The Clone Army | ARC Program
The Clone Army | ARC Program - Roblox

The Clone Army | ARC Program is the program to become an ARC Trooper or Advanced Recon Commando. These troopers were an elite variant of clone trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Although much rarer than other clones on the galactic scale, they were also among the most skilled soldiers in the galaxy.

ARC Garrison Corps
ARC Garrison Corps - Roblox

ARC Garrison Corps are specially trained Clones tasked with taking care of all defenses for the Walls whether it be patrols, repairs, or improvements. As such, they spend most of their time preparing for attacks against the Wall. They must also deal with civilian evacuations and have emergency plans for dealing with scenarios for when the Walls are breached to make sure the citizens are evacuated safely.

Admin Guide

- Examples of Admin Abuse -

  • Any harmful or commands used to hurt others is banned (:kill)
  • Any command that forcefully changes others is banned (:char)
  • Any command that takes away free will is banned (:freeze, :mute, :control)
  • Any command that alters the game is banned (:btools, :gear)
  • Any other command that is not listed below will will be consider AA:
  • (:nyan, :witchtrial, :blind, :party, :size, :kidnap, etc).
  • NOTE: Do not use commands that target mass groups of people, especially if they aren’t relevant to what you’re doing (Example: Using :m to talk to the Jedi team when it notifies the TG, Allied, Visitor, and Raiders teams too).
  • Do not use commands to make your personal experience easier (Example: Using :tp, :to, and :bring just to get around the map. You have legs, use them.)

- Allowed Commands (spam can be considered AA) -

  • :pm
  • :logs / :exploitlogs / :chatlogs / :showlogs
  • :name (Should be used for training and tryouts only, if not it’s consider AA)
  • :clone (for trainings/tryouts/patrols/rules only)
  • :countdown (Only for training/tryouts, not for personal duels!)
  • :re / :respawn / :bring / :to / :tp (Only use it if it’s necessary, you have legs for a reason)
  • :ff(Only for training/Tryouts, If seen using outside it’s consider AA)
  • :h (Use this for most directions)
  • :m (Do not use this more than a few times during a training or over an hour period)
  • :n (Don’t spam this either)
  • :setmessage (If you use this, it better be for a good reason)
  • :team ( You are only to team yourself hostile if there’s a PR or a trial/training/tryouts. If seen used to go on TG and you’re not a member of the TG it’s considered AA)
  • :heal (ONLY for trainings/tryouts, duels, or trials. Using this during raids or patrolling is AA)
  • :jail / :punish (Jail someone, then talk and negotiate. Do this before resorting to kicks/bans. CLEAR YOUR JAIL CELLS IF THE TARGET LEAVES THE GAME. TYPE :CLR or :CLEAR)
  • :kick / :ban (Negotiation first. Kick as last resort. Ban for repeat offenders)
  • :view / :watch ( Only use this if necessary)
  • :freeze (Only if you are putting up a clone to set a message, if anything else it’s AA)
  • :age (Only for tryouts if needed)
  • :afk
  • :command / :cmds
  • :viewtools
  • :to / :bring / :tp Only use this if you have an immediate need to reach someone. Do NOT teleport to the front-lines. Do NOT use this command just to travel around.
  • REMINDER: If you use any other commands that are not listed above that will be considered AA.
  • :resetstats Only use this for trainings and practice raids.

- Banned Commands -

  • :fly (Only High Command+ can use it.)
  • :shutdown (Need permission from a High Command+)
  • :removetools (Need permission from a High Command+)
  • :cape (Do not use.)
  • :noclip and :clip (Only High Command+)
  • :repeat ( No one should use.)
  • :btool (Only for High Command+ to use!)>
  • :change (Only High Command+ can use for raids/trainings.)
  • :fling (Never to be used.)
  • :speed (Never to be used.)
  • :blind (Never to be used.)
  • :size (Never to be used.)
  • :party (Never to be used.)
  • :kidnap (Never to be used.)
  • :kill (Never to be used.)
  • :health (Never to be used.)
  • :place (Only High Command+ can use it)
  • :god (Only High Command+ can use it
  • All other commands not listed are considered off limits unless given permission by High Command+


Question: What is the Clone Discord?
Answer: Bey2SyT

Question: Do I have to be in The Jedi Order to be a Clone?
Answer: No. Although it is recommended to be in TJO it isn’t required.

Question: How do I rank up?
Answer: Attend and pass trainings. Obtain approvals if needed. Being mature and having good grammar also really helps.

Questions: I have leading experience from another group, can I get ranked to Captain?
Answer: No. We do not free rank. Go through the ranks. Any problems ask an Officer.

Question: When are trainings?
Answer: Trainings are when an Officer has time. They are announced on the group wall as well as in the Discord. Do not bug an officer for a training as you are less likely to get one. They have lives as well.

Questions: Is there a uniform for The Clone Army?
Answer: Yes. You can find the Shirt here: Clone Shirt and the Pants here:

Clone Uniform [PANTS] - Roblox
Clone Uniform [TOP] - Roblox

-Supreme Commander Aradinel-

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