The Knocking (One player made horror game work in progress.)

Game here : The Knocking - Roblox I have been working on this game for a year or so, and have worked and put a lot of time into it, and it takes awhile to build maps for me, and I think it is really underrated, and I want some feedback, in my opinion there is some glitches and I may go back and fix them, and add more design into my maps, but it is a pretty good game for something that I have made, and I really want it to blow up, and I have not been working on it as often because I have only gotten 39 visits, and I work way to hard on it, and if nobody is gonna play it, I don’t really think I should, I have some on going lore, and am really proud of what I made, please give me feedback. (also, I am adding fog rn, the reason there is none sometimes is when I am editing the game and need to see.) (I also fixed the owner admin gamepass popup scam, and no, not everything is a free model, only teleporters etc.)


It’s interesting I suppose to say the least, I will say this though: A lot of things could be changed to the game about it

  • You should implement custom Dialog Boxes instead of having SurfaceGui’s as dialogue, the text is only visible in 1 direction reee

  • The building behind the main game feels really bland (Not to be offensive or anything), but there aren’t much different colors or designs to it that make it feel special

  • Sometimes the guidance can be a bit confusing, 1 time I’ve spent like 5 minutes just figuring out where the hecc I’m supposed to go

  • It was a pretty unique approach to see the “Knocker” (Yes that’s its official canon name now don’t stop me nerds) as an NPC in Chapter 2, but all it did was just look at me, tried to chase me and couldn’t cause there was a wall in the way (He’s dumb confirmed)

  • I don’t know if it was just me, but Chapter 4 didn’t seem to work for me (Unless if there was somewhere else I needed to go or if that was the end)

  • The random conveyors don’t really work that well when you start to move, you could just literally move out of it when you get teleported

  • Ok why did this “Knocker” have a Stop Sign and just literally put it here and made it crooked, is he offended by traffic signs or something? And how the heck did he conveniently have one at this point of time

I’ll be honest overall: The game feels like an old ROBLOX game from like 2012 (Not in a bad way)

There isn’t much interaction inside the main game itself, the builds feel a bit old & I haven’t even mentioned the fact that I don’t know when I’d need to use the Flashlight or not yet

I will say this though, do consider the feedback to be helpful & supportive to help you get better! :slightly_smiling_face: Everyone’s learning at their beginning level, & I do consider that you look at the API Reference so you can script some cool stuff with it!

I was legit thinking of making all the dialog actual gui, and I am planning on adding lights to lead the player (in the maze), and I love the name “The Knocker”, it really fits, and I think it looks bland also, I am planning on adding more decoration. Thank you for the feed back!

I will say exactly what I said in your last post,

Flag this. I looked at it for a bit and it is one of the games that tries to make you pay robux for a product/gamepass without you knowing by making an invisible purchase prompt.

Here is a GIF I took of the prompt happening without me clicking anything (Fortunately I bought something yesterday so I only had 3 robux, phew.)

GIF here

Once again, the scam is still here, and attempts to take 350 robux from your account.


I swear it is not there anymore, and I think a script can enable third party sales.

I would recommend that if you played this game, you should check how much robux you have. If you lost some, you got scammed. You should check your purchase history and see who the creator of the product is, and see if they are anything related to the owner. Because when you buy something it tells you what you bought, and who you bought it from, we can tell from this whether or not it is a free model, or the game itself.

Only a game creator can toggle ThirdPartySales.

Dude you are a life saver ty so much for telling me that

It is fixed now, ty! :smiley: (not long enough again?)

Also, because I fixed it now, what do you think of my game?

Dev Console says that third party sales is blocking it, so it is at least not your main. The product ID is 10284699, looking it up now.

kk, ty I will also search it up (I was sent to some crate gamepass thing?)

The game looks cool but If you also try to work in the part of scripting, it would be very cool. Animated texts, dark fade after talking to a NPC or to yourself/teleporting to another area of the map and make some cutscenes because If you make bricks that only teleports, it’s going to be sometimes glitched and teleporting very fast to areas that the player didn’t have the chance to see it.

The game also should have some spooky background musics, a good dark fog and a monster in the map because since It’s a horror game and you need to survive from a mysterious monster, players should feel the spookiness. The lightinings and fixing/adding more decorations in the places should work as well since there are some empty parts like when you go to the door to start the chapter:

And also during the chapters:

Plus another tip: After the seeing a chapter, you should make next one a sense because I got confused after going to Chapter 4 which only appears this and nothing else. Where’s the Chapter 3 and 2?

And you should try to remove a gamepass that keeps appearing on the screen which interrupts the game + a person can buy it for accident:

(The gamepass)

This game looks like those 2018 or 2019 Roblox stories which is not that bad but If you try to work on those parts that I said above, I think it’s going to help you out. Hope this feedback helps you!

I have fixed the gamepass glitch, and plan to add fog etc, once I finish the game I will most likely remake it, cause I didn’t really know what I was doing when I first made it, and think it is confusing kinda, I plan on making chapters longer if I do remake this game, and plan on making it so you can do more choices and not just one path that you have to choose to continue, and make audio in the background such as a spooky static, but that will have to wait til I have it all planned out.

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I think you should remake it and make a story that makes sense revealing some day the mystery person. Just take your time to remake to be a lot better. After doing this, try to make a good description for the game that it’s going to be a preview because If you’re making a story with chapters, you should something like “You feel like there’s something wrong in your house…” (for example). If you just put this description down below, people are going to feel that it’s just a survival game:

is this good?

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The beginning saying “You bought a new house, but something doesn’t seem right…” looks good but I don’t think putting a To do list is a good idea since doesn’t have nothing related of what’s inside of the map, and yes just suggestions to fix the game or plan to remake it.

You should try getting some inspiration from story games like Camp survival and etc