The meaning behind "Powering Imagination"

“Powering Imagination” Why did ROBLOX choose that as their slogan? Well that is a great question. A question many of us wonder. Here’s the meaning behind it:

ROBLOX is a platform with over 1 BILLION users worldwide! Ever since 2006, ROBLOX has been empowering the community to use their imagination to create something new. In the early 2000’s nobody expected ROBLOX to become this big and when we come together to create something great for the community to explore, it goes to show that we truly are an amazing community. Made up of Graphic Designers, Builders, Programmers, Website Developers, and Community Members. No matter how old, you’re never too old to do something great. ROBLOX runs off our imagination by creativity of games being brought to the platform. Here’s to many years to come of success!



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