The most innovative and unique cafe Application Centre yet

This is not close to any other cafe application centre. Instead, it teaches one how to actually use the cafe’s cooking techniques.

What do you think?


I really like this. The UI could be polished a bit…

But your system is very intuitive. It has a lot of signs and just overall is very user-friendly. However it does get a bit overwhelming at times :grin:


Very cool. Haven’t seen it done like this before. I think the info signs would probably work better as a UI on screen that the applicant can click through, like a tutorial when you first join certain games. Some of them are also pretty redundant, like the one that points to the elevator.


Finally I gave him the ice cream and soda!

Jokes besides, seems like a pretty cool game. Even has some math in it which I find pretty cool. Maybe instead of using BillboardUI’s for instructions in the kitchens, use SurfaceUI’s as the Billboards clip into the wall a lot.

Also when you’re going up back to the first floor, the elevators close while your going up, not that much of a delay for the elevator’s doors closing, but it’s pretty noticeable sometimes.

I’d give it a 8/10. Needs some work with the UI.


my biggest complaint is with the GUIs. They are all one color and it makes it hard to read through and navigate them.
The aesthetic was nice tho

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I think server size should be exclusive to one player, or disable player collisions.

That one walkway becomes very tight and filled with players. (I was in a server of 3, I think it would be very hard to walk with 6 players in there at once)

Overall pretty unique and innovative.


This is honestly pretty bad.

Sure the place and UI both look very pretty, and I get the idea behind it (I think I do, at least) but it’s extremely cramped and cluttered to move around in, and the give item/notepad not being what they’re titled is very confusing. Having a random NPC begging you for a medium blackberry smoothie every second is also not the best experience.

It’s a great start, but it needs a LOT of work and polish.

This is absolutely amazing! The building work is incredible, I love how you can go down into the kitchen, and the intuitiveness of the UI is amazing! I’ve don’t think any other café comes close to what you did.

Though I have some minor nitpicks.

The location, while it looks great and is accurate size to a standard Robloxian, players feel better in a much more open space where they have more freedom of movement. Builds with a more realistic scale are better in showcases.

The UI is really contrasting and not that aesthetically appealing. I found that text was difficult to read and the black background and bright orange color felt weird. Maybe change the colors to something that is more concise and reflects colors seen around your café, but still stands out from the setting itself. (Also a bolder font may help with reading.)

Overall, really nice concept, love how intuitive it is, and I’m glad to see you back on the platform Thuli.


Yeah I’m gonna do that rn, don’t worry

I can reduce the chat bubble range

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