The MTA - NYCT Handbook

This is a fictional group of the real life MTA.

Recent Changes

Updated the handbook to better reflect the current changes made recently


This is the official handbook for MTA - NYCT. Please read it carefully as any changes made to this handbook will be clearly listed.

  • Make sure to follow the Roblox Community Guidelines at all times.

  • Do not attack/slander any other groups for no reason.

  • Do not evade any punishments made to your account.

  • Do not steal/leak any assets from our group [or any other group for that matter].

  • Do not share/sell accounts with points and/or ranks.

  • Listen to ranks higher than you and be respectful to all players. And do not act all bossy around others.

  • Exploiting [doesn’t matter how] is against the MTA - NYCT rules [as well as roblox TOS].

  • High ranks can remove a user from a position for poor behavior [both in game and in the server]. This can include toxicity, inappropriate behavior, etc. Anyone who acts in these ways will get their rank removed.


To rank up, you need points. The way to earn points is explained in the “Events” section. You can view how many points you have by joining the game and running !mypoints OR by going into the communications server and run /mypoints there.

Indicators: LR [Low Rank], MR [Medium Rank], HR [High Rank], EX [Executive]

Commuters (LR)

This rank is the entry level you get when you first join the group.

No points are required.

Probationary Operator (LR)

This is the first rank that grants permissions to whoever has this.

Requirement: Pass a training.


  • Access trained drives.
Standard Operator (LR)


  • Obtain 30 points
  • Pass a training


  • To be determined
Advanded Operator (LR)

This is the final rank that does not have any special powers.


  • Obtain 60 points
  • Pass a training with an artic


  • Can drive Artics (XD60s) in any of the games (if possible)
Supervisor (MR)

This is the first rank that is granted with moderator powers. They ensure that operators follow state laws and assist Dispatchers in events.


  • Apply for the rank and have good standing in the group.

Phase 1: Successfully pull over a rule breaker using the 3 warning system
Phase 2: Successfully intercept a rule breaker that is speeding without stopping
Phase 3: Answer a few questions related to moderation.
Phase 4: Pass a background check.


  • Have moderator powers in game.
  • File punishment requests on any ranked member.
Dispatcher (HR)

This is the rank that is much more trusted than supervisors, as they can host official runs and trainings.


  • Must be a Supervisor
  • Handpicked for a Run Coordinator training

Phase 1: Answer 6 questions related to hosting. You must fully pass this phase in order to continue.
Phase 2: Host an official run while being monitored by the Trainer.
Phase 3: Pass a behavior check by the Executives


  • Permissions from previous ranks carry over
  • Have administration powers ingame
  • Have moderation powers in the communications server
  • Can schedule and host runs and trainings.
  • Can manage ranks lower than them.
  • Can handle punishment requests
  • Can handle appeals
  • Can get access to the points database.

The Executive Team

This team looks over lower ranked staff members and operations of the group.

The Council (EX)


  • Head Of Development
    They oversee all development done within the group.

  • Assistant Head of Tech
    They assist the HoT (for more info check the Owners section)


  • Must be a Dispatcher
  • A majority vote from other council members and owners


  • Have the highest power of admin ingame as well as administrations power in the communications server
  • Can participate in decisions made for the group
Owners (EX)

This rank is the final rank achievable in the group. You must be handpicked by the owner [as well as other owners] in order to get this rank.

This rank is overall responsible for the whole group.


  • Head of Development
    They also oversee all of development.

  • Head of Staff Management
    They oversee all staff and handles staff discipline.

  • Head of Tech
    They oversee the technical aspects of the group and deals with situations related to hacked accounts.

  • Head of Operations
    They oversee all operations regarding development and events. They also work with other executives such as head of development and staff management.

  • Deputy Lead Executive
    They are second in command just under the Lead Executive (aka group owner). Incase the Lead Executive has to leave, they are in charge.

  • Lead Executive (Group Owner)
    Self explanatory. They own the group and command everything inside it.

Other Ranks

These ranks you are able to achieve through other means without the need of points.

Trial Engineer


  • Apply for Engineer and pass the necessary training.


  • Have the same permissions as Supervisors
  • Can Co-Host events


  • Must be Trial Engineer
  • Must have built OR contributed to at least one official route for the group (it also has to be released).

Permissions from Trial Engineer carry over
Can host runs with permission from an Executive

Lead Engineer


  • Be handpicked by The Council+


  • Have the same permissions as Engineer
Lead Dispatcher


  • Be handpicked by The Council+


  • Have the same permissions as a normal Dispatcher except with much higher authority

Some staff members are listed as Lead Moderators. You are to report to them for any problems with staff BEFORE an executive.

If you were to leave your position on a good note, you may request to return to your position (you will need to pass a behavior check and pass retraining).


You can earn points by attending events such as runs and trainings.

  • Trainings can give up to 2 points upon completing it (Points can also be determined by how good you performed)
  • Runs can give up to 5 points (Determined by how many people attend)
  • You can ONLY earn points through events, or becoming Operator of the Week [more info on the last section].
  • Please note that misbehaving in events can lead to either a point deduction or demotion depending on the severity of your actions.

Other Information

HRs do not have serious (or as I say, outrageous) activity requirements, however, they do need to let others know about their absence for a certain period of time.

For example, you will be demoted for inactivity after 2 or more months IF you don’t let anyone in staff know.

Staff members have extra rules they need to follow (those rules are not shown to the public).

Dispatchers have rules based on scheduling and hosting runs, but just like the normal staff rules, these rules are hidden from the public.


Failure to follow any of these rules listed above will result in a punishment.

  • 3 warnings [1 day ban from events as well as a temporary mute for the exact same time]
  • 6 warnings [3 day ban from events, an appealable ranklock, as well as a temporary mute for the day after]
  • 9 warnings [Permanent ban from events (appealable), a non-appealable ranklock, temporary ban from the group for 5 days, a temporary 3 day mute for the day after, and a probationary period (length not specified)]
  • 12 warnings [Blacklisted from both the group and discord with an opportunity to appeal]
  • 15+ warnings [Blacklisted from the group, main discord, and appeal server]

Staff Punishments

Abusing your admin powers will result in a blacklist from the group with NO chance to appeal.

Using/distributing our group models will not only result in a blacklist from the group, but the group using said models will also be blacklisted.

Using/distributing OTHER group’s models will also result in a blacklist from the group with no appeal.

Staff of the Month

Staff of the month is given to users who perform outstandingly in the group whether it’s an event or just in game.

  • It is awarded to Staff only (MR+)
  • They are nominated by an executive
  • Reward to be determined
  • There can only be a max of 2

This handbook is always in progress and all changes are NOT final.

This handbook has been signed by MTA - NYCT executives.

Last updated at 6/6/2024 at 3:28 PM EST