Pledge - Join The Bloodline.
Student - Attend an Initiation.
Apprentice - Write two case studies.
Trained - Pass two CT.
Expert - Passed 3 CT, got a Lord+ Approval.
Guardian - Attend a Guardian tryout.
Lord - Show maturity, Skills, leadingship, Master+ Approval.
WarLord - Really active, Show loyalty in Nemesis, Attend a tryout.
Instructor - Write a complet lore on Nemesis.
Master - Been a loyal member, Active, Attending most of events, Helping Nemesis out.
Developer - Selected.
Advisor - Elected by members.
Council - Selected.
Main Temple:
1# - Do not harm any ally or member of the bloodline.
2# - You must turn Team Chat ON when a visitor joins the temple.
3# - Only Councilium + are allowed to enter the council room.
4# - Kill any visitor entering the temple.
5# - Allies Representatives are allowed to enter our temple.
6# - During your whole journey in the temple, Admins are asked to log their commands using the following format “:logs -Reason”
7# - Using any AA commands is forbidden !
8# - Do not glitch or play with the doors
9# Do not fool or go out of the temple without permissions.
10# - You are not allowed to join the temple without uniform.
Secondary Temple:
1# - Do not harm any ally or member of the bloodline.
2# - You must turn Team Chat ON when a visitor joins the temple.
3# - Only Councilium + are allowed to enter the council room.
4# - Everyone is allowed inside.
5# - Minor AA’s are allowed.
6# - Fooling outside is allowed.
7# - The uniform is not required.
About Commands:
Any other commands than:
:shutdown ← Council + Only.
Is AA ( Admin Abuse )
Admin Abuses results in commands taken away!
and a strike.
Two strikes and you’re kicked of the bloodline
About Strikes:
If you receive a strike you must wait one week to appeal it.
HR Codex
Hosting the Noctinum training:
Make attendees make 5 duels, they have to win at least 3 of them.
5 temple laps.
20 JJ’s.
and show maturity, Understanstanding.