Unsure entirely if it’s a bug or intended, but I think it may have slid under the radar. The capture feature hides all UI elements to take a pure screenshot without elements on screen blocking the viewport, however it appears the SurfaceGui UI object is also included in this hiding behaviour. This means any display boards in the world will not render, such as scoreboards, dynamic signposts (think like the signs above player stalls in Pls Donate!).
Regular view:
This is extra obtrusive to my game, as a core effect requires the use of a SurfaceGui placed in front of the camera to function, and when it’s disabled the effect breaks and everything renders incorrectly. And I’d love to be able to use this social feature in the final product.
During screenshot:
Please disable the hiding of world-space UI objects! Or even better, provide a checkbox for ‘HiddenInCapture’ or something!