The new :CreatePath() is more broken than the deprecated ComputeRawPathAsync

Using ComputeRawPathAsync, the humanoids used to at-least follow my player when I went up stairs and obstacles, using CreatePath and ComputeAsync keeps them broken while i’m at-least a few studs elevated…

if plrHum then
	path = pfs:CreatePath()
	path:ComputeAsync(hroot.Position, plrHum.Position)
	waypoint = path:GetWaypoints()
	if #waypoint >= 3 then

Say this is a using the new path-finding, it seems to be slightly more buggy than:

if plrHum then
	path = game:GetService("PathfindingService"):ComputeRawPathAsync(hroot.Position, nrstt.Position,50000)
	points = path:GetPointCoordinates()
	if #points >= 3 then

Any understanding or tips and tricks for this?

I usually avoid it altogether by using a good old moveto unless one of the three points has a jump involved or a raycast has a part between the npc and the target. That method seems to works most of the time.