General Game Rules
I. Trade at your own risk. Scamming of robux items can result in a ban with valid proof.
II. The use of real life currency, robux, things from other games to buy any items from players are prohibited.
III. The attempt to bribe a staff or to hack into a staff member’s account will get you banned.
IV. Exploiting in game or AFK farming pounds are bannable offenses, and will result in a pound wipe.
V. Abusing any bugs or glitches without reporting them to the administration are also bannable offenses depending on the severity of the Bug/Glitch.
VI. Killing and healing just to be toxic/annoying (3+ times) might get you kicked or banned.
VII. Spamming or bypassing the in-game chat for wrongful reasons will result in temporary bans as punishment.
VIII. The act of attempting to sabotage the community by exploiting, DDoSing, or trying to take down the game will get you Roblox banned.
IX. Ban evading will result in a perm ban on both accounts. Ban evading is using alts to play while your main account is banned.
X. Camping safe-zones are bannable if you camp them for more than 2 minutes. After killing in a safezone for 2 minute, you are required to leave, and if refused will be forced with a temporary ban In-game.
XI. Teaming/Healing Natives in James Bay to gain loot (Same for HBM) Is not allowed under any circumstances.
XII. Macros are bannable and follow under the rule of abusing exploits. If you are caught with them, you will receive a temp ban, and the second ban will result in a permanent ban.
XIII. Raiding a private server will lead to a 2 week In-game ban. And leaking a private server will result in a permanent ban In-game.