The New Jedi Order Lore Structure

The New Jedi Order Lore Information

Below will be a list of the Official Jedi Codes, and the story of the New Jedi Order, examples of lore that may be used in trials, and the library. It’s *NECESSARY to have a basic understanding of The New Jedi Orders lore if you do wish to progress or advance through the ranks within The New Jedi Order.

The New Jedi Orders Story:

The New Jedi Order was created by Luke Skywalker after the battle of Yavin. In an effort to bring the Jedi Order back to what it was - a galactic peacekeeping organization - he gathered any force sensitives he came across and had them join as the first generation of new Jedi. However, the rise of The First Order made it extremely difficult for Luke to keep it under wraps, and the betrayal of Ben Solo - or Kylo Ren - almost extinguished the spark that Luke had worked so hard to create. Now, NJO is at a time where the first generation of force sensitives to join the order are Jedi Masters, and are ready to take on the dark side head-on.


  • The Jedi Code:
    There is no emotion, there is peace.
    There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
    There is no passion, there is serenity.
    There is no chaos, there is harmony.
    There is no death, there is the Force.
  • The Jedi Mantra:
    Emotion, yet peace.
    Ignorance, yet knowledge.
    Passion, yet serenity.
    Chaos, yet harmony.
  • The Jedi Crystal Code:
    The crystal is the heart of the blade.
    The heart is the crystal of the Jedi.
    The Jedi is the crystal of the Force.
    The Force is the heart of the blade.
    All are intertwined.
    The crystal, the blade, the Jedi.
    We are one.
  • The Gray Jedi Code:
    There is no light without the dark.
    Through passion, I gain focus.
    Through knowledge, I gain power.
    Through serenity, I gain strength.
    Through victory, I gain harmony.
    There is only the Force.


  • Three Pillars of the Jedi:
    The Force, knowledge, and self-discipline.
  • The seven lightsaber forms: Form I, Shii-Cho: the most simple and basic lightsaber form taught to all beginning Jedi.
    Form II, Makashi: a graceful and calculated form using footwork and balance to overtake the opponent.
    Form III, Soresu: a defensive and resilient form created to deflect blaster bullets.
    Form IV, Ataru: an aerial form based around heavily using the Force to increase one’s agility.
    Form V, Shien & Djem So: a variant of Soresu based around counter-attacking the opponent.
    Form VI, Niman: a non-specialized and Force based form that relies on intuition and instinct.
    Form VII, Juyo: the most aggressive style based around pure offense and Force abilities.
  • Lightsaber color meanings: Blue lightsaber crystal: representative of the Jedi Guardian path
    Green lightsaber crystal: representative of the Jedi Consular path
    Yellow lightsaber crystal: representative of the Jedi Sentinel path and Temple Guards
    Red lightsaber crystal: representative of the dark side, created by “bleeding” into the crystal
    Purple lightsaber crystal: representative of aggression and balance between the dark and the light
    White lightsaber crystal: representative of neutrality between the dark and the light, but loyal to the Jedi
    Black lightsaber crystal: representative of the Mandalorian clan, as well as neutrality between the dark and the light
    Blue lightsaber crystal: representative of the Jedi Guardian path, a Jedi who used the Force on a more physical level.


To create a Holocron and have it published in the library, you must be a Jedi Librarian. This rank is obtained by following the path of the Jedi Consular, advancing to the rank of Jedi Instructor, and then becoming a Jedi Librarian. Once you have done this, you are allowed to pick a lore subject, write at least 1 paragraph about it, send it to a Master of the Order, and have it published in the library for everyone to see. This is one of the prime responsibilities of Jedi Librarians.