The option to enable voice chat isn't showing up for me

I followed the steps in Chat with Voice – Roblox Support, I have my age verified and my email and phone number, yet the privacy settings has no voice chat option and its been 2 hours since I got verified.

Yes I refreshed, a lot.

am I doing something wrong or do I just need to wait?


to anyone having the same issue you may just be region blocked as I am, all you need to do is use a VPN before you open Roblox or anything Roblox related for the first time so your session is labeled with whatever region your VPN was on and then you can turn off your VPN until your session expires. Sessions usually expire anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours of inactivity or being offline. If you open anything Roblox related without a VPN you will have to allow your session to expire to get a new session with the VPN and get access to voice chat.

tldr; turn on vpn, open roblox, close vpn. if you opened roblox before turning on the vpn you will have to be offline for a few hours to be able to retry.


As of Sep 18, 2024, Roblox introduced account locations which locks the regional policies applied to your account to whatever it was assigned to automatically, meaning if you were -correctly or incorrectly- assigned a location where VoIP calls are banned you will not be able to use voice chat even if you use a VPN unless you manage to change your account location of which I can’t help you with.

For reference these are the countries have VoIP calls banned as of Nov 4, 2024: (not updated regularly)

  • North Korea
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Syria
  • China
  • Kuwait
  • Libya
  • UAE
  • Belize
  • Egypt
  • Guyana
  • Iran

Since this post is apparently the No.1 search result when searching for this issue, if any of this information is no longer correct please DM me on any of my socials or my DevForums account directly and I will update this post


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