The Overgrown Palace has Returned, in full beauty

I had another account a long time ago and it got terminated for somebody hacking on it, and today I just felt like showing you all the screenshots of a old showcase of mine, up to date.

What your about to see is a W.I.P Showcase, a while in the making.

Sadly the other pictures are confidential at this time being, give me your thoughts, hearts appreciated!


I love the last picture, it looks well placed together and a bit realistic. I suggest you play with the ground a bit more so its not all just grass. Other then that, keep it up!


Looks absolutely amazing! Id suggest a few flowers or bushes.

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The graphics, theme, setting, and builds look fine. I have one suggestion for this.

I would try to reduce the greenness of the map a bit, and try adding some rock or ground, somewhat as @Aztecuh stated. Using too much of one color overall ruins a design. In addition, throw in a couple flowers and vines to add a little separation in color, similar to what @wholbr claimed.

Other than that, excellent work.


That looks AMAZING! The staircase looks kind of slanted to be upright, and straight to be falling down, but it’s one of those things you only notice after looking specifically for it XD

How did you make the bumpy/mossy walls in the last picture?

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I forgot to tell you, it’s an ancient Chinese secret. It’s the beta opt-in for the new material system @cedarwaxwing2!

This is really good. I love the atmosphere and the theme you’re going for. Although, I think the place in the first picture should have some more design. Other than that, great job!

Alright, can you give me suggestions for new parts of the map, thx

That looks pretty cool, but maybe you could try adding some concrete walks to make it more detailed. But it still looks cool! :+1:

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Ohh! It looks so cool :smiley:

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