The Paradigm is an mass multiplayer, open-world, faction-based survival game where players team up with other players, known and unknown, to survive the wilderness of the outside world. Factions versus factions, the ultimate battle for survival.
Current Status: UPDATING
Crafting Recipes
The crafting engine is still in development, and will be released during BETA.
How To Report
As of now, we do not have our own unique reporting system. But we will have one for BETA release.
- [Left Click] - Interact/Shoot/Get In Vehicle/Horn (In Car)
- [Left Shift] - (Holding) Sprint or Accelerate Vehicle
- [Right Click] - Drop Item Hovered In Inventory/Aim
- [Q] - Interact
- [E] or [G] - Open Inventory/Close Inventory/Blinkers (In Car)
- [X] - Hazards (In Car)
- [B] - Open/Close Settings
- [Slash] - Chat
- [Tab] - Open/Close Chat
- [R] - Reload Equipped Gun
- [Mouse Wheel] - Scroll Through Hotbar Slots
- [M] - (Not in ALPHA) View Map
- [C] - (Not in ALPHA) Crouch
Note: Player names are not case-sensitive and abbreviations are a valid way to execute, so /kick frogg would kick mrfrogg1.
- /help - (All) Lists all of the commands
- /clearworld - (Mod+) Clears all guns/items in the world
- /give - (Mod+) Opens a menu to give yourself an item in the game
- /clearkicks - (Mod+) Revokes all server kicks
- /day - (Tester+) Sets time to day
- /weather - (Tester+) Toggles rain on/off
- /night - (Tester+) Sets time to night
- /save - (All) Saves your inventory and stats
- /sethealth - (Mod+) Sets your health to a desired amount
- /clear - (Tester+) Clears your inventory
- /kick [player] - (Mod+) Kicks a player from the server. This will make them incapable of joining the server, but they can join other servers.
- /kill [player] - (Mod+) Kills a specific player
- /teleport [player] - (Mod+) Teleports to a specific player
- /debug - (Tester+) Enables testing mode to see server errors/responses
- /announce [message] - (Mod+) Announces message to all players within the server
- /play [soundId] - (GamePass) Plays music on your person
- /stop - (GamePass) Stops music on your person
Update Archive
ALPHA Release
Update 05/31/2020
- Damage multiplier re-evaluated
- G18 added, recolored G18 and G17
- Optimization in the game
- Fixed inventory movement jittering
- Post-fire smoke
- Hitmarkers
- Screen turns red based on health
- Damage indicator
- Bulletspread exists
- Improved messaging GUI to be quicker and more intuitive
- Gun sounds and external gun shots
- Walking sounds that are synced with gunsway
- Bug fixes
Update 05/27/2020
- Aiming and aiming animation
- Character evaluation code
- TDAntiCheat officially created (Will not discuss/elaborate upon the script’s details for security)
- Added reloading animation
- Gun slide logic improved
- PlayerName on Hover
- Faction and Friend dot over head
- /teleport fixed
- loading optimized
- Bullet queuing system created
- Bug fixes
- Damage multiplier now exists for weapons. Its more or less a range between 0.01 and 1 where the closer the distance, the closer to 1, the furthest to a max distance (calculated with bullet velocity / distance), the closer it is to 0.01
- Capability to have automatic weapons!
Update 05/23/2020
- Items can be externally visualized when equipped
- Arm placement is properly positioned now
- Items equipped have arms properly positioned now
- Arm swing animations finally made!
- Running is now visual
- Disabled jumping
Update 05/22/2020
- Finally got arms that move with your camera
- Equipping logic to external character
- Footplanting
Update 05/21/2020
- You can now see your ping and also you can see average ping.
- We will automatically kick you if your client does not respond
- We will automatically kick you if your average ping is above a certain threshold
- You can now see how many are in a specific faction while on the menu
Update 05/20/2020
- Removed some menu music and death music that I didnt think fit the theme of the game - Modified how random works so its as close to random as possible.
Update 05/19/2020
- Your head is now animated and follows your camera, but I need to work on the arms as well as legs.
- Fixed an issue with bullethole registration
- Fixed an issue with hands and objects acting very jittery visually when equipped
- Smoother holding (Convenience update for sights in the future)
Gun before convenience update (Because the object was jittery there was a lot of Z-Fighting)
After convenience update (Because the jittering doesnt exist anymore, there is no more Z-Fighting)
- Camera system switched from scriptable to custom. Mouse is more user-friendly.
- Re-iterated the sensitivity settings to work with Roblox’s camera Core Script
- Bullet particles and bulletholes actually appear on terrain and trees now
- Bullets are now more reliable at spawning and not creating errors
Update 05/18/2020
- You cannot damage players in the same faction as you
- Your time played now gets recorded (This will be useful for the future)
- Within a server instance, you may only have the option to pick a faction once. But if you die you will spawn in a random location as a “Rogue”
- Medkit animation made
- Smoother switching animation
- Added backpacks.
- Your faction name shows up on your inventory header
Update 05/16/2020
- Death music/scene
- Also found a bug in death that continuously looped, fixed it
- Found a continuous death bug where you can never break the issue even if you rejoin, fixed
Update 05/15/2020
- Started development of factions, you won’t be able to play the game until I have what I need finished
- Factions finally exist!
- Faction menu has music, and music per faction when you hover over them
- As an addition, there are 15 songs that the menu screen will reel through everytime you go back to the menu
Update 05/13/2020
- When you die, you properly go to the menu screen no problem
- /kick and /kill commands allow you to type partially a name now (i.e. /kick mrf will kick mrfrogg1 )
- These commands do not care about caps as well ( /kick mRF will kick mrfrogg1)
- Server now remembers your location in the map
- Bug fixes with location remembering
- /teleport [player]
- Drops actually drop
- I can also test in studio now with multiple players
- FPS Engine Sprinting animation worked with and looks absolutely gorgeous and fluid now
More fluid animations and SPRINTING! - YouTube
Update 05/12/2020
- Mousewheel now scrolls through hotbar
- Hotbar gets highlighted
Scrollwheel hotbar update - YouTube - Bug fixes
- Even more fixes to hotbar
- Settings on menu (It’s the menu in-game, so it’s kinda out-of-place but idc, it exists)
- Fixed spawn bugs
- Fixed an irritating bug with reloading.
- Kicks are remembered in the server
- /clearkicks to clear all server kicks
- Fixed double equip issue
- Attempt to fix particle colors to match terrain
- Sprinting finally made! (Took wayy longer than I anticipated but it’s here now)
- Sprinting is now linked to your thirst, so if you sprint then your thirst will lower quicker
- Food lowers at 1/3 the speed (Note: This is food, not both food and water)
- In contrast, water replenishes more
Update 05/11/2020
- Tinkered cooldowns and lighting.
- Added a settings where players can see the logs in the chat GUI (This will exclude some bullet errors since bullet shot errors are inevitable)
- Whenever you equip an item in the hotbar, the client will emulate the equipping animation before the server confirms that the equipping is a logical equip. What this means is that equipping will feel nice and convenient even at 300+ ping, but security will still be held in place to ensure that everything is functioning without hackers exploiting.
Note: Firing emulation is not worked on, but my plans in the future is definite - Messaging GUI optimization is made. Some things are resized as well so playernames don’t appear teeny-tiny.
Update 05/10/2020
- Spawning
- Game is now playable, but veryyyy unoptimal since character models arent made yet
Update 05/09/2020
- Map has been officially changed to terrain (from triangle terrain to ROBLOX Terrain thanks to ROBLOX’s Beta features)
- Bug fixes
- You will not recieve any messages from other factions if they are not within your vicinity (At the moment the faction system is not made yet, but will be once I get the other items made)
Update 05/06/2020
- New logo and menu intro
New Tuley Digital logo and Loading Screen - YouTube
Update 03/20/2020
Update 03/19/2020
- Eating/Drinking animations
Water and bottled water drinking - YouTube
Update 03/11/2020
Update 03/10/2020
Update 03/08/2020
- Gun firing animation
Shooting Animation, needs reload and aim animation - YouTube
Update 03/04/2020
I Want to Test Before Game Updates Go Live
If you’re someone who has extra time on their sleeves, or you love things before they go live, you can apply to be a tester to be able to stress test our features before game updates occur!
THE PARADIGM Official Game
TULEY DIGITAL Official Group