The planet of Catopia rules

Welcome to the Planet of Catopia

Before you get started, please read and adhere to our rules (Terms of Service). Failure to comply will result in denial of access to our groups across the platform.

UNDER NO circumstances are we a furry group; I just like cats and Sci-fi/Science fiction such as Doctor Who, The Orville.

Let’s begin.

(Scroll to the bottom for the banned list and group allies)

To ensure a respectful and safe environment for all members, Catopia operates under a set of guidelines and rules:

  1. Respectful Communication: When posting on our group wall, please exercise mindfulness. Harassment, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any offensive jokes are strictly prohibited. This also applies to usernames and avatars. Violators will be banned.

  2. No Impersonation: Impersonation of any community member, through avatars, usernames, display names, etc., will result in a permanent ban.

  3. Common Sense: Use common sense and avoid trying to find loopholes. If you’re unsure about something, consult a staff member.

  4. No NSFW Content: NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content is strictly forbidden. Posting such content will lead to a permanent ban.

  5. No Swearing: Swearing is not allowed. Attempts to bypass this rule will result in immediate muting.

  6. No Spamming: Spamming, including repeated words or random letters, will result in warnings and muting.

  7. Credit Content Creators: Do not claim someone else’s content as your own. Properly credit the original creator.

  8. No Raiding: Raiding, defined as coordinated attacks or disruptions on other groups or platforms, is strictly prohibited. This includes spamming, flooding chat with messages, or any other forms of disruption. Organizing or participating in raids will result in immediate and permanent banning from all our platforms.

    Authorized raids are limited to our sister groups, such as RatTopic, under specific circumstances and with explicit permission from group leaders. RatTopic is considered our “enemy” or “emmy” within the lore of our community, representing a playful rivalry. Engaging in unauthorized raids against our ally planets, including but not limited to coordinated efforts to disrupt their operations, is strictly forbidden.

    We emphasize that our community respects and supports allied groups, and any actions contrary to this spirit will be met with strict consequences. Please respect our lore and alliances to maintain a positive and collaborative environment.

  9. No Drama: Do not bring drama from direct messages or past events into the group. Persistent drama will result in muting.

  10. No Illegal Activities: Engaging in illegal activities or posting sketchy content is strictly forbidden.

  11. Don’t Ask for Staff Positions: Repeatedly asking for a staff position will decrease your chances of promotion and may result in muting.

  12. No Begging: Do not ask for Robux or free items, including through direct messages.

  13. No Self-Promotion: Self-promotion or advertisements are not allowed.

  14. Protect Personal Information: Do not request or share personal information.

  15. No Evading Moderation: Evading bans or other moderation actions is prohibited. Report any concerns to higher staff members.

  16. Avoid Sensitive Topics: Refrain from discussing politics, religion, or real-life tragic events to maintain a positive atmosphere.

  17. Banned Group Membership: Membership in banned groups will result in immediate banning across our platforms. Refer to the banned group list for more information.

  18. Respect Intellectual Property: All content associated with our groups and sister groups, including logos, games, and any proprietary materials, is protected by copyright and may not be utilized in other games without prior authorization. However, you may incorporate the Catopia logo into your game if you are an ally of our organization or a friend of the founder, solely for the purpose of indicating your alliance. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of our logo will result in immediate action, including the removal of your game or service without prior warning.

Regarding fan art, while we do not own the rights to such creations, we encourage individuals to seek permission from the original creators before utilizing their work. If any fan art is found to be misused, we will assist the original owner in addressing the matter. Should they request our support, we will collaborate to resolve the issue, potentially leading to the removal of the game or service in question.

If permission is granted by the original owner for any free art to become the property of Catopia (including sister groups), it will be considered company art and fall under the jurisdiction of Catopia. However, if the original owner requests the removal of such art from our game or service, we will comply, unless the art has been purchased, in which case it will remain as part of our collection.

  1. Moderator Authority: Moderators have the final say. Arguing with moderators will result in muting and potentially permanent banning.

  2. Roleplay Group Guidelines: This is a roleplay group set in a different universe. Do not reference any real-life events, politics, or anything from the real world. Some events in our roleplay/lore may have references to real life, such as wars or natural disasters, but these are heavily filtered and must be approved by the co-owner or executive/owner. You are allowed to discuss lore politics and events, such as fictional kings, queens, and prime ministers, but keep it within the context of the roleplay.

Please note that additional rules may exist, and common sense should guide behavior in all situations. These rules are subject to change without prior notice.

Thank you for being part of the Catopia community. Together, we can create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

----------------------------------------------Backstory/More Information-------------------------------------------------------------

The planet of Catopia was originally named “The Cat’s Kingdom” under my old username, cats_king1st. I made many poor choices from 2019 to 2022 but have since learned from them. I also used to be a furry but no longer identify as one.

© 2024 The Planet of Catopia :cat:

---------------------------------------Banned Group/Blacklist------------------------------------------------------

  1. Autism - Roblox: The owner was banned, and the group is now full of trolls.
  2. Autism Speaks - Roblox: This group promotes harmful misinformation about autism.
  3. Remember God. - Roblox: Contains homophobic and anti-LGBTQ content. Contact staff for a ban bypass if you are a supportive Christian.
  4. ~ The Lord who loves us all ~ - Roblox: Contains homophobic and anti-LGBTQ content. Contact staff for a ban bypass if you are a supportive Christian.

(All religious groups are banned unless they are supportive of the LGBTQ and furry communities. Contact staff for a ban bypass if you meet these criteria.)

--------------------------------------------------------Group Allies----------------------------------------------------------


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