The problem with shadows from light sources

Lighting problem in my experience about backrooms
on the screenshot you can see that a lot of shadows are superimposed on each other due to the many light sources

How can I properly adjust the lighting so that everything looks beautiful?


Turn shadows off in the properties for light emitters. You can also turn of global shadows in lighting.


Hi, can you send me the lighting settings and the light settings? So I may find the issue.

Just go into all of the lights and turn off shadows.
Or don’t use future lighting.


How much lights do you use in a room? For example, 5 point lights in this screenshot.

My map is small, in a normal room there are 4 light sources

Do you use invisible light? Because i just see one.

If that is the case, you can disable some light shadow to decrease some shadows. Do you ever tried to use spot or surface light? That should be better.

You can try using a spot light and point light to Illuminate a little the local, but the point light’s part you make it transparency and cancollide to false, and put the brightness to around 0.4 - 0.5, shadow disabled, range 55, and color white and A LITTLE to yellow, like this: (255, 255, 248)

For the spot/surface light, you can try making it 180°, 0.7 - 0.9 brightness, shadow enabled, range 45 and the color a little yellow white, like this: (255, 255,245)

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I always use shadows enabled, it just looks more realistic to me, but if you have a TON of light sources it might lag on a lower end computer.

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He can disable just one and other.

Look, i will give you an example to fix this problem, when i get to home :wink:

How can I properly adjust the lighting so that everything looks beautiful?

Could you also define what you mean by beautiful, as it’s sort of vague.

I’m glad the topic has been solved! Good luck with the backrooms experience :smiley:

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