The Quickest Way to Remove the RoSync Virus from Scripts

Tired Of the RoSync Virus? Same,
here’s the quickest way I’ve found to remove the virus.


Open up Find All Replace All (In Find All/Replace All)
Step 1:

Search: --\[\[ Last [s|S]ynced(.*)

Step 2: Click Regex Mode (Looks like this)

Step 3: Make sure the Replace value has only white space in it: " " (Just one space)

Step 4: (click Replace for each script, or Replace all.)

(Don’t do Replace All if there are more than ~15 scripts, or may crash your studio, due to the find all replace all being inefficient.)

How does this work?

The Regex string will highlight every piece of text after the --[[ Last Synced string.

Here’s the regex tester, which’ll explain every part of the expression:

Use at your own risk, this may crash your studio if you replace all, or potentially delete purposeful comments/code, creating a backup is always smart.

Hopefully this helps you as much as it helped me. :wave:

Can you explain me what this virus allows hackers to do?

The rosync virus can do a lot of things, primarily what it does it it requires external roblox assets/plugins/scripts using a generated asset it, it sometimes also has a backdoor to fire external scripts not published to roblox. Since the virus is so old it usually doesn’t work, which causes lag due to a infinite yield of fetching.

The virus technically gives the hacker as much access to the game as the developer has, sometimes even more, depending on if the malicious script being fired can backdoor the server.

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