The Recoil Project | Testing

Hello, I would like to present to you the FrameWork for my newest FPS game, Recoil Project.

As this game has no budget to advertise donations would be appreciated: Donation - Roblox

Hello! I have feedback:
Your website appears to be very under developed, it has a very rough design and the 2nd preview image doesn’t show.

I thought the big “BUG REPORT” was actually just an image and not somewhere to report bugs.
Website needs a lot more work.


  • Now when I zoom in my screen starts going mental, zooming in and out constantly.
  • Zooming in with such bug makes it very difficult to aim properly.
    01 09 2022 19 11 33 Trim - YouTube


  • The ammo UI is very “In your face” it’s very wide and doesn’t show you the max capacity
    Something similar but obviously not this would a better design:
  • If you’re going for a more modern feel then I suggest something more like 3D HUDs.
  • Or displays that work by showing on your weapon

Moving back when shooting

  • I completely get why you added it, however you won’t be blasted back if you’re intended to be a trained recruit/operative or whatever this project may be for.
  • This would be in weapons similar for anti-tank (E.G: Panzer)
  • It’s a lack of logic.

I didn’t really see this but if it added then fair play:

  • Weapons need an immersive feeling, regarding the TOS you’re allowed blood and minor graphic content, so I implore you to do so, obviously make it optional for sensitive/younger audiences but It’s something I suggest personally.
  • Weapons need “umpth” to them they need to feel powerful if thats what you’re going for, heaving hitting sounds on impact, ect.

These last 2 are more of personal nit-picks so it’s upto you if you wish to follow them, but besides that.
It’s a neat weapon system, I like the reloading animation and the cursor, it works well and shows when you’ve hit your target.

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Okay I fixed up everything and made it look more nice but on my mac the aiming bug doesent happen but I tried to fix it and I dont know if its fixed or not.

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I just checked it out again and it looks amazing for an update!
The aiming thing is fixed, when I checked console at the time the error seemed to be occurring when there’s more than one player possible (Infinite Yield error)

As for final feedback I’d suggest making your aiming a tween/animation.
So it doesn’t jump in front of you, something more like ACS weapon system :+1:

– Note: It may also be good if the bullets where rendered, if you use raycasting this is possible.

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Ill try to render the bullets thanks :smiley:

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