Hi, I was scripting a game, and I can’t disable the reset button, and I want it disabled.
I tried everything and it’s not disabling.
Hi, I was scripting a game, and I can’t disable the reset button, and I want it disabled.
I tried everything and it’s not disabling.
I believe you need to use this:
StarterGUI:SetCore("ResetButtonCallBack", false)
I can’t figure it out. I’m sure the issue is that the core scripts haven’t been loaded yet when the script runs, but using repeat loops, pcalls, and even recursive functions doesn’t seem to work as the core scripts seemingly take an indefinite amount of time to load without throwing any errors.
Its this instead
(The other one had a mispell with the “B”)
I believe you would need to add some kind of delay aswell
Without delay:
With 5 seconds delay as a example:
Also this would go into #help-and-feedback:scripting-support
Thank you, you fix it, that was it.
Also, oops I did not mean to, I did notice it was ““help and feedback platform support”” not “help and feedback scripting support”.
This could error, if you want something that will never error try this.
while true do
local success, error = pcall(function()
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false)
if success then break else task.wait() end
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