The road to Survival - Part 1

Hey there! It’s been a long time since I’ve written one of these posts. Everything’s changed a lot in that time - Blox Survival is finally on it’s way to becoming a reality!

That leaves a few loose ends to clean up beforehand. I’d like to discuss what I’m doing now, to help set the stage for Survival. In future annoucements I plan to publish more details about what to expect from Survival, when it’s coming, and so on.

The last update to Classic

Blox 0.42 has been in testing for a ridiculously long time! There were a couple unfinished features I never found the time to finish off. Those features prevented me from releasing the update previously, but since Survival is coming up soon, I had to do something about Blox Classic still being in pre-release.

I’ve decided to strip the unfinished features from 0.42 and release the finished-off parts of the update next Friday! This means the following will occur:

  • The Blox Classic Testing Place will shut down permanently. You will lose your saves there, so have a last look around and maybe snap a few screenshots to remember!

  • The Pre-Release tester badge will no longer be awarded to new players of Blox. This means that new players after 0.42 is released will not get free access to Blox Survival.

  • Blox Classic will be reduced down to it’s final release price of 50 Robux, as decided upon by the community.

  • New feature requests and bug reports will no longer be accepted for Blox Classic, unless it is of exceptional importance (for example, data store issues, security vulnerabilities, or other game breaking bugs)

Note that this won’t affect any events or other things we host in the near future - until Blox Survival is released, they’ll still be focused around Classic. The only difference here is that development time is only being put into Survival, rather than being split between the two games.

A classic soundtrack

In conjunction with the last version of Classic, I’m going to be releasing the Blox Classic OST as an album! You’ll be able to purchase it on Bandcamp or stream it on your music service of choice (I recommend Spotify - it’s free!)

The album will contain the five background songs that play in Blox;

  1. Avlägsen
  2. Enkel
  3. Venus
  4. Hal
  5. Hal’s Brother

Further details on availability will be posted to our community server. You can find the invite code on Blox Classic’s game page, under Social Links!

I hope to revisit and develop this OST much more over the course of Blox Survival’s development with some new instruments, better mixing and even more original tracks!

A helping hand during uncertain times

The world’s in a bit of a funny place at the moment. We’re all stuck indoors and isolated, and we need an escape now more than ever.

That’s why, once this last update lands, I’m committing to halving the price of Blox to 25 Robux until the end of the month. I hope that Blox can become an escape for those who need it; a place where you can have fun with your friends or find new ones to play with.

I’m eternally thankful to everyone who’s helped make Blox Classic possible! Not only have I learned so much from both the game and the community, but we’ve made some truly awesome memories together!

It’s time to look forward to Survival :slightly_smiling_face: