The Roblox Action Figure Package is no longer working as expected

PC Info: Mac OS Ventura 13.4, Apple Silicone M1 Chip
Impact: Strong
Frequency: Consistent
Date First Experienced: 06/08/2023
Date Last Experienced: On-going

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Equip the Action Figure Package/Bundle (Most notably, the torso portion of the package)
  2. Equip a neck accessory such as a necklace. You can also equip the arms that come with the Undercover Superhero Bundle that are often used in conjunction with the action figure torso.

Here is a picture showing the issue:

Expected Behavior: The necklace should be properly positioned around the neck and the arms should be meeting up at the shoulder like they have in the past.
Actual Behavior: The arms are dislocated and the necklace accessory appears around the waist.

Workaround: None at this time as this. This started in June and previously did not happen. It must have something to do with a recent change or update to the character bundle.

I’ve also attached an image that shows how the necklace and arms looked before this issue started occurring below:


We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database, and will follow up when we have updates!

Thanks for the report!