The Roblox Gym (ROAST US)

Hey fellow developers!

On Friday, Team Flex™ released The Roblox Gym in beta! The Roblox Gym is a game in which you train to become stronger and faster, then you can compete in competitions to become the champion.

We are currently looking for feedback on how to improve upon the game, so please roast us until there is nothing left to be roasted.


wow, quite original!


I can deadlift 500 studs #GetSwoll #GetBloxed


ur game is so bad i wish my eyes got smashed by the gym equippment (kidding pls no flag)


What makes the game bad?

The game looks more like a café mainly from the outside and I’d like to see a better skybox and maybe more landscape/terrain

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Here’s my criticism:

But seriously turn down the bloom I can’t even see my own bubble chat, let alone my body.


I hate this game almost as much as I hate going to the gym.

But seriously fix your progression bars. They look weird. You can use clips descendant or make a sprite sheet to properly animate your odd bars.


It pushes the male fantasy agenda.


Oh look, what an original idea!


thanks for agreeing with me bud

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As someone who hits the gym at an unhealthy rate every day, I gotta say this game is nothing like the real gym!

First point:
Why the heck am I the smallest dude there?!?! In real life im friggin massive, so why does my character look like a half eaten cheesestick? Pfff, ridiculouse!

Second point:
Look at my character! He can hardly hold up 135 on the bench, what is this??? Why does only one arm do the work while the other just holds the bar?!? In a realistic enviroment my character would be benching that 135 no problem!

Third Point:
Why are these doors so frigging big? I know im massive but damn your making ME feel fat at this gym, unnacceptable!

Fourth Point:
What is in this damn shake? This better contain a minimum of 57 grams of protein and taste like heaven, or else its not worth FREAKING 75 POINTS WHAT THE HECK?!?! Also my character is still small >:(

Fifth Point:
Why is there a freaking bloxie just standing there? You know it’s very rude to show off at a gym, makes people feel worthless, what’s the matter with you people? (Also my character is STILL small)

Last point:
The GUIs are too big, I have a 24 inche screen and I still felt like it was too much, make them a bit smaller, GUIs are like phones, don’t focus on them too much when your at the gym!!

In conclusion:
This gym is unrealistic, doors too big, my character is smaller than that Greg from Dairy of a whimpy kid, it charges WAAAAAAY too much for the shakes AND even with my character small like a twig I still feel fat when I look at the doors, what a crappy gym, you make planet fitness look good.

This is a picture of me working out a year ago, even in this picture im massive, so why am I so small?!?!


I wish all roasts were like this. I’d buy tickets to your concert.


If more people want their games roasted ill do it

The game doesn’t encourage roleplay or even conversing with other players. I went into a server and nobody talked except to mention that they saw “the creator” come in and leave. Nobody was roleplaying or talking other than that.

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Ok, thanks for the feedback. So you think we should focus more on the roleplaying aspect of the game? If so, what do you think the game could use to encourage more roleplaying.

Fun Events/mini-games where players can act competitively and cooperatively. An event idea is maybe that someone’s keys fell off their keychain when they were at the gym, and you have to find 5 of them. Players can work against each other and fight over who gets the 5 keys first, or/and help other players find the keys.

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Pro: The game is very nice and clean. Building aesthetic is simple and consistent.


  • I feel as if the Screen gui takes up too much of the camera screen. Try and hide some of the menu options. You could probably get away with hiding the LevelGui under the options menu, since the level of the player is already being displayed on the top right corner.

  • I don’t understand the random clothing shop, and it doesn’t make much sense in a gym unless you’re selling gym shirts and yoga pants. It looks like you just took clothing from the catalog, which users could do themselves through the website. But it’s Roblox, so who cares.

  • The game isn’t fun. There’s little to no interaction needed with the equipment. I can just walk up to the yoga mats and it automatically does the exercising for me.
    You gotta make the players feel like they’re working for something.

  • Game is redundant and doesn’t stand out.

Hope this helps.

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Wdym “fellow developers”, make makes you a dev in the first place

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