The Robloxian Christians Public Polls

TRC Public Polls

This is the place where public polls and voting for The Robloxian Christians take place. These polls may be temporary or permanent. In order to participate, ensure that you are signed into the Developer Forum site with your main Roblox account.

Please only vote if you are a member of The Robloxian Christians group.

Has The Robloxian Christians made an impact on your life (faith life, mental health, friendships, etc.)?

  • Yes, TRC has made a significant impact on my life.

  • No, TRC has not made any significant impact on my life.

  • I have not been in TRC long enough for it to have a significant impact on my life.

0 voters

Do you want to get more involved in The Robloxian Christians?

  • Yes, I want to get more involve by attending more often and/or volunteering with the church.

  • I am already very active within the church and am satisfied with how involved I am.

  • No, I do not want to get more involved.

  • No, I believe that TRC is just another Roblox group.

0 voters

Thread updated on 8/6/2019.

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